Monday 11 August 2014

No, This Is Not ‘Nature’…

The attack comes after an animal lover feared a dog was trained to kill swans on the Cam. Police were called to an incident in Fen Road in May after a shocked resident described how teenagers with dogs dragged the swan from a ditch and slaughtered it.
Since I can’t find any trace of news about an arrest, I suppose it was another ‘turn up, look concerned, go back to office’ police job.
One boathouse manager said although his dog did attack a swan, it was not the same bird found by the RSPCA.
He said: “My dog did catch the tail feathers of a swan in its mouth and it may have nipped it and that’s why there was blood. But the swan found and put down by the RSPCA was not the same swan.

“I called the RSPCA after what happened. If my dog had done that he would be straight down to the vets. Swans hiss at dogs and they will react. This is nature.”
Well, no, actually, it’s not. It’s a failure of you, the dog owner, to keep proper control of your animal. Which, if the new legislation has any teeth at all, will soon cost you dearly.

Since swans belong to the crown, maybe you’ll end up in the Tower…


  1. Joolz, I have to say bollox to this one. Swans are wild animals, and if I was walking down the riverbank and my grandson was threatened by hissing swans they'd be getting kicked up the arse in right short order, regardless of whether they belong to the crown or not.

    Also how does that work then? The owned by the crown thing? Seeing they're migratory birds and all..

  2. Any sturgeon caught in English waters belong to the Crown too. Does anyone have any nice recipes for swan? You can have my caviar, can't abide the stuff.

  3. Swans taste a bit like gamey geese and eat really well... Apparently.. So I've heard like..

  4. Fen Road is home to a huge contingent of the non-travelling "traveller community".

  5. "Also how does that work then? The owned by the crown thing? "

    Part of our rich cultural heritage.

    So expect the progressives to demand it's repeal any day now...

    "Fen Road is home to a huge contingent of the non-travelling "traveller community"."

