Saturday 30 August 2014

Suzanne Moore Knows Who’s To Blame For Rotherham…

No, silly, of course it isn’t Pakistani & Kashmiri Muslim sex offenders, not politically-correct police or complacent public sector workers, perish the thought!
I had wanted to stay in social work, but after a placement answering calls on what was known as the frontline I realised that most of my work would be sorting out emergency payments for food and heating. People needed money, not cod psychoanalysis.
It was also obvious that social work systems were not only failing, but under attack. First they came for the social workers (bearded do-gooders), then they came for the teachers (the blob) … this is how neoliberal ideology has been so effective in running down the public sector.
I’m only surprised she didn’t drag in Thatcher – surely someone somewhere in lefty-land has by now?
The running down of children's services to a skeletal organisation in an already deprived area is spelled out in the report, which talks of "the dramatic reduction of resources available
By 2016 Rotherham will have lost 33% of its spending power" compared with 2010. Buckinghamshire, by contrast, will have suffered a 4.5% reduction.
Strange that they seem to have plenty of money to afford a ‘Casual Ecology Officer’ and to run a huge staff dealing with all the favoured lefty issues, eh?


  1. Nothing is as worthless as a slice like Suzanne Moore.

    Incapable of doing anything worthwhile, these human lice just jump on a bandwagon and suck the blood out of it.

    The rightwing likes the cheap thrill of an underclass woman, drunk and showing her knickers
    Vacuous bitch, how the fuck does she know what right wing men want? Most of us like intelligent, refined women. That's why we don't marry harlots.

    Probably due to her upbringing, Moore is oblivious to the millions of decent, happy-married 'rightwings' - she sees only the seedy kerb crawlers - who would never reveal their peccadilloes to their fellow 'rightwings'.

    Our untouchables turn out to be little girls raped by powerful men.
    Minicab drivers. Kebab shop owners. Not exactly George Soros, brainless cretin.

  2. Without doubt, the cuts from 2010 onwards completely explain the sexual abuse rings that operated from 1997 onwards.

  3. Be fair, Rotherham Council were so strapped for cash that they could only afford to spend a mere £300,000 a year on employing diversity officers.

  4. True and South Yorkshire police were so hard up that they could only send thirty officers to raid Tommy Robinson's house back in 2010.

    That's the Luton based EDL founder.

  5. You have to wonder where the council tax has gone. I couldn't have been diverted from essential services to pay the extended salaries of the unqualified party hacks that make up the 'management' of the council now could it ...

  6. I really don't know which is worse:-

    The brain-dead apparatchiks of diversity zealotry who make up Rotherham council (and other councils in the People's Republic of South Yorkshire), or the morons who regularly vote them back into power, time after time.

    1. I wonder if there is an ethnic element to the "morons who regularly vote them back into power"?

  7. "Minicab drivers. Kebab shop owners. Not exactly George Soros, brainless cretin."


    "...and South Yorkshire police were so hard up that they could only send thirty officers to raid Tommy Robinson's house back in 2010."

    We need cuts to their priorities as well as their budgets!

    "... or the morons who regularly vote them back into power, time after time."

    I really think it's the latter. Parasites can't help being parasites, but people who don't reach for the FrontLine are idiots.
