Wednesday 27 August 2014

The New Meaning Of ‘Responsible’…

Nicholas was fined £250 and told to pay the owners of the pug £300 compensation, but he was not disqualified from owning dogs after the court heard he had taken precautions to be responsible with Scrappy.
The dog, which is not classed as a pitbull but has the characteristics of one, always wore a muzzle and was kept on a lead when out for walks and was in a pen in the garden of the family's home.
So, he’s free to get another dangerous dog and allow his 20 year old criminal son to walk it in public without a lead or a muzzle…

But he still isn’t satisfied, is he?
Steve Hudson, defending Nicholas, said his client would be appealing against the decision.
In any just society, the judge would say ‘OK, we reconsidered – we’re ordering the humane destruction of your son as well’…


  1. Julia, you great big softie...
    "...we’re ordering the humane destruction of your son as well’…

    Why "humane"?

  2. Bunny

    Mr Treen beat me to it, how about replacing the rope of the noose with bungee? Execution and comedy, it's a winner!

  3. "Why "humane"?"

    Good point.. ;)

    "Execution and comedy, it's a winner!"

