Monday 4 August 2014

Unable? Or Unwilling?

Marie Burns, 33, Julie’s daughter and mother to grandchild Mia, said: “The owner of the dog arrived 15 minutes later, before the police.
He didn’t care or show any remorse. He just said it was his girlfriend’s dog and it had nothing to do with him.
“When we told him our dog had been killed, all he could say was ‘it’s only a dog’.
“He just kept saying it’s not his problem.” Police were unable to take any action.
Yeah. Right.
A spokesman for Wiltshire Police said: “Police officers have no power to seize dogs unless they witness an attack themselves or if the animal is a banned breed.
“The owners of the dog involved have taken the decision to put the animal down.
“The investigation is continuing to ascertain the circumstances around the incident and any witnesses should contact 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, where information can be left anonymously.”
What’s the point? In fact, what’s the point of the police, any more?

H/T: Geoff via email


  1. The police wear yellow these days, I didn't realise the colour went all the way through...

  2. And yet in another case a young babysitter who was nothing to do with the dog was actually prosecuted and convicted when it attacked.

  3. Wilts police. Best known for their nice little semis, down South.

  4. "The police wear yellow these days, I didn't realise the colour went all the way through..."


    "And yet in another case a young babysitter who was nothing to do with the dog..."

    Umm, not so. Do you really believe she didn't know it wasn't to be let out?
