Friday 15 August 2014

Why Is ‘A Ban’ The First Thing Anyone Thinks Of..?

A recycling consultancy has warned that the craze for colourful loom bands is a threat to the environment. The rubber bands cannot be recycled, warned WasteConnect, and conservation experts are worried about them getting into the sea, where they could damage marine life
So, some warnings on the packets about responsible disposal, maybe someone setting up a collection & disposal service, and we’re good to go, right?

Should we ban the rubber jewellery before the planet is overrun with non-renewable bracelets?


  1. Overrun. No gross exaguration there then

  2. When those plastic loops which hold four cans together were introduced, ooh, forty years ago, the same nut-people complained - the wildlife will be caught in them, shock, horror! They were not banned. QED

  3. I'm more worried about the planet being overrun by recycling consultants.

  4. Our Postie just drops their bands on the footpath.

    Perhaps someone with nothing better to do should inform the Royal Mail of the danger. Maybe via a letter?

  5. The funny thing is that this poncy look-at-me business (pink ribbons for AIDS etc) was actually started by the very leftie-luvvie types who are now complaining.

  6. What the...

    Natural rubber can't be recycled? What the heck have these loons been taking.

    I'll accept that it can't be indefinitely recycled - but where the heck do they think the matting used in the ever-so-popular children's playground comes from. Muppets.

  7. "I'm more worried about the planet being overrun by recycling consultants."


    "Our Postie just drops their bands on the footpath."

    Ours stopped doing that a while back, for a long time.

    I note that the rule has been relaxed in the last few weeks.

    "What the...

    Natural rubber can't be recycled?"

    I suspect it's to do with the chemical composition of them.

    Because another group was warning that they may be toxic to kiddies!
