Tuesday 16 September 2014

Just Give Him A Voucher For A Free Sausage Roll…

A devout Muslim says he is “disgusted” that…
*rolls eyes* Now what..?
… a blunder by a high-street sandwich shop meant he ate bacon and ham, contrary to his strongly-held beliefs.
Oh dear, so sad, never mind.

Just think of all those poor Sikhs who’ve been consuming halal, in contravention of their strongly-held beliefs…
Amar Bhatti is angry at food store Pret A Manger after a blunder by staff meant that a product labelled as a vegetarian croissant he ate actually contained two different pork products.
The 28-year-old sales manager said the store had not gone far enough to make amends for what he describes as a major error.
What did he want, a grovelling apology on national TV?
He said: “They told me we have just got a new guy in and they’ve made a little mistake. I said ‘it’s not a little mistake, it’s a big mistake’.
No, sonny, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl were big mistakes. You getting a mouthful of ham doesn’t even register on the scale.
“There’s a big difference between how the vegetarian croissant and meat croissant look like, it’s not complicated to label them up right. ”
And yet, you clearly didn’t see the difference quickly enough to avoid shoving it in your gob, did you?
“They offered me vouchers but I am not sure I want to eat there again after this.
“I think for what they have done they should be offering me something more in compensation.”
I doubt your custom is so valuable that they’ll be falling all over themselves to retain it, somehow…


  1. It is not sensible for the devout of any persuasion (vegan, Hindu, whatever) to eat commercially-prepared food. Despite the labels there are only a very few outlets which can guarantee the provenance of all ingredients, including whether they have been in oblique contact with prohibited substances.

    This is a matter of ritual purity rather than food safety; the scrupulous know that the responsibility for their observance lies with themselves and cannot be delegated to the sandwich seller.

  2. I,m a vegetarian but if I accidentally consumed a bit of meat it would really be no big deal. Don't these deeply religious types ever notice that people who don't subscribe to their pointless rules get along just fine without them?


  3. I can't help but notice that his god didn't immediately strike him down with a thunderbolt as soon as the forbidden stuff touched his lips.

    So, from that, we can only assume that despite what is claimed, then that god is not all that bothered about what his followers eat.

    So - in the end - not a problem then?

  4. I'd just refer him to Arkell v Pressdram (1971).

  5. If he is so concerned maybe he should return to his home country and live there, that way he will not have to worry about polluting himself. On second thoughts I doubt that solution will ever cross his mind as there are no free handouts there and he would have to work for a living.

  6. Bunny

    Pret has just gone up in my estimation.

  7. How do you put a filling in a croissant? Decent ones would fall apart in a shower of flaky crumbs as soon as you picked it up.

  8. Bacon AND ham? Sod the 100 virgins, that sarnie's my heaven.

  9. SS … a blunder by a high-street sandwich shop meant he ate bacon and ham, contrary to his strongly-held beliefs. SS

    SHIT! I have just spat a mouthful of beer over my key board.... you OWE me one. :-D :-D :-D

    WHAT a shame!

    These bastards are porking each other every night, Mother, Daughter, Father, Brother, auntie, cousin, Sister, uncle and occassionaly one of their "wives." SOME times they are even porking the opposite sex(!) NOW all of a sudden they don't like getting a good porking?

    One day they will make their minds up.

  10. Just the single invitation to tea on the Vicar's lawn, FT?

  11. "This is a matter of ritual purity rather than food safety; the scrupulous know that the responsibility for their observance lies with themselves and cannot be delegated to the sandwich seller."

    Or one's wife!

    "So, from that, we can only assume that despite what is claimed, then that god is not all that bothered about what his followers eat."

    Good point! :)

    "Pret has just gone up in my estimation."

    Mine too!

    "Bacon AND ham? Sod the 100 virgins, that sarnie's my heaven."


    "NOW all of a sudden they don't like getting a good porking?"

