Sunday 7 September 2014

Sunday Funnies...

Oh yeah. We're definitely doomed...


  1. Indeed we are all doomed. The signs are all there, if you can read them. And it is not just the Jehovah Witless who pontificate on this sort of stuff. Harold Camping made some very specific predictions for the world's end; he was totally wrong, of course. But I'm a solipsist and therefore only I exist and the world is a construct of my warped and tortured mind. One of these days I'm going to pull the plug, and all my thought processes are going to a well earned oblivion. So it might be a good idea to get your affairs in order. I'm an entity driven by caprice and whim- you have been warned....
    Read and weep:

  2. Flax old lad,

    That would mean that Messrs Blair, Mandleson, Campbell inter alia are but products of your warped mind...

    If that were true, 'warped' is not a strong enough description.


  3. Yes Ted, they are all a figment of my fevered imagination. Consider them deleted.

  4. If only it were so, Flax: I'd make the 25 minute trip to Dudley & buy you copious quantities of Holden's, or Batham's, as I suppose Ma Pardoe's is no longer around.

    You can probably tell I'm of a certain age, and haven't been to the Dudley or Netherton areas for quite some time...

  5. I'm afraid you would have to catch the plane, these days, Mr T. I buggered off from that delightful part of the world many years ago and now reside in New Zealand. Aahh, but what I would give for a pint of Holdens and faggot and peas- sad old sod that I am.
