Tuesday 7 October 2014

But If You Stab Someone, The Knife Gets Melted Down!

Jobless Jessiah Johnson told his terrier Tia to bite the assistant at the store in St Thomas Road, Derby, and it hung on to the 17-year-old’s leg before Johnson’s girlfriend called it off.
Magistrates gave the defendant a suspended sentence for the attack, but ordered the destruction of the dog, described in court as a “pit bull or Staffordshire” breed.
Johnson posted a photograph of himself leaving court on his Facebook page, gloating: “I was lucky today.”
Everyone seems to have that sort of ‘luck’ when it comes to our hopeless ‘justice’ system…
The story has sparked a wave of condemnation from dog lovers.
Note that: from dog lovers. Who think this is awful news, but not for the sake of justice.
Mo Lakin, a canine behaviour expert from the Dog Father Training School, in Egginton, said: “This person has used their dog as a weapon – why would the dog be put down? It was following orders.”
So..? That didn’t help much at Nuremberg, did it?

And it’s not like the dog doesn’t have as much form as the owner!
The court was told Tia also bit a police officer who searched Johnson on Hastings Street, Derby, on October 14. The officer was bit in the thigh.
Mitigation was…well, pathetic, as usual:
Asif Munir, mitigating, said Johnson had kept out of trouble in the seven months since the last incident. He acts as volunteer handyman and caretaker in the block where he lives.
In other words, he’s yet another unemployed waster who, far from living hand to mouth on the pittance the Left are always telling us is all the unemployed get, can afford to feed a dog!


  1. The Nuremberg reference invites the observation that we are no closer to a Final Solution for these breeds, Julia.

    I must condemn any inference, however tenuous, that 'dog-bites-plod' can be a mitigating factor.

  2. Whilst on a Nuremberg tangent, were those trials held by the lawyers of today, I am sure that mitigation would be sought for "Herren Himmler, Goering etc., as "They have been in no further trouble for the last 18 months:...

  3. I woke up happy today as I saw a headline involving a nasty troll committing suicide in a hotel.
    But then I read on and unfortunately it wasn't Melvin.

  4. Why did I bother looking at the article? I know that I'd see a miscegenated, violent mongrel.

    And the dog as well.

    He should have been made to eat his mutt instead of the fried takeaway chicken he enjoys at our expense.

  5. @ WC Jaded

    Liberate yourself from repressed hatred. Destroy a pensioner's windscreen with precautionary back-up, dear.

  6. VV can afford to feed a dog! VV On innocent passers by, from the looks of it.

    Cheap meal.

  7. "...no closer to a Final Solution for these breeds, Julia."

    Staffies? Or chavs?

    "... I am sure that mitigation would be sought for "Herren Himmler, Goering etc., as "They have been in no further trouble for the last 18 months:..."


    "On innocent passers by, from the looks of it."

