Wednesday 15 October 2014

Goodness, I Don’t Know What Sort Of ‘People’ You Could Possibly Mean…

Mr Wright wants to warn other farmers to be on the lookout for the dog.
He said: "It is a dog that knows how to kill. It doesn't appear to be a family pet that has escaped.
"It could belong to people who go hare coursing and couldn't get the dog out of a hole.
"It will be hungry if no one has fed it and it will keep killing poultry."
I can’t imaging who that might be, can you?
A spokesman for Humberside Police said: "A dog attacking other animals is not a criminal offence, though we do understand the distress to the farmers.
"If anyone has any information about who the owner of the dog may be, please contact the police so we can speak to them and give them words of advice about the control of their animal."
*hollow laughter*
An East Riding Council spokesman said: "This is a case of animal worrying.
"The farmer has greater power to protect his animals than the council has to deal with this dog."
And, it would seem, than the increasingly useless police farce…


  1. "A spokesman for Humberside Police said: "A dog attacking other animals is not a criminal offence"

    I am not a lawyer, but is not worrying livestock a criminal offence? Livestock being defined as any animal kept for agricultural purposes?

    The Police seem to just make up the law as they go along nowadays.

  2. "The farmer has greater power to protect his animals than the council has to deal with this dog."
    It's true; it comes in several handy calibres and can be totally effective when applied correctly.

  3. Of course they do, Jim.

    If it means they have to do something which entails enforcing a law which doesn't sit well with their Chief Constable's avowed PC credentials, then they decree "It ain't agin the law"...

    Although how you can describe a gang of itinerant Irish rogues who mostly have very nice middle-class homes back in dear old Erin as an "ethnic minority group" beats me.

    It would be just as valid to describe native English shoplifters or armed robbers as such.

  4. SS "The farmer has greater power to protect his animals than the council has to deal with this dog." SS

    They DID, until YOU took their fucking guns off them , you prick!

  5. You smooth-tongued, eloquent Nazi.

  6. A spokes-twat for Humberside Police said: "A dog attacking other animals is not a criminal offence"

    Except when it's accompanied by a non do-as-you-likey on a horse wearing red doing something useful like eradicating vermin.

  7. I agree with The Jannie; .22 semi-hollow point, 12-gauge rifled solid slug, 30-06 hollow point. The combinations are endless, and all equally effective.

  8. The added bonus is feeding your migrant Korean Brussels sprouts pickers on jerked lurcher.

  9. "The Police seem to just make up the law as they go along nowadays."

    This is what Teresa May should be tackling, not 'trolling'!

    "I agree with The Jannie; .22 semi-hollow point, 12-gauge rifled solid slug, 30-06 hollow point."

    30-06..?! They must have some huge dogs where you come from!
