Friday 31 October 2014

Gosh, My Tiny Violin’s Getting A Good Workout Lately…

A Midland prison has been criticised for taking 50 MINUTES to call in medics after two brutal inmates strangled a child killer in his cell.
Oh dear, the tears, I can’t see the screen…

The report also revealed that the two killers, who were already serving life sentences for murders committed in the 1980s and 1990s, had both taken hostages during earlier, but separate, prison sieges in 2007 and 2011.
The report, from the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman, added that the pair were only moved onto the vulnerable prisoner wing because they owed prison drug debts.


  1. If we hadn't been stupid enough to abolish the death penalty, then this would never have happened.

    Just a thought...

  2. Would it be tasteless to suggest the transfer of some other prisoners to the prison?

  3. The Blocked Dwarf31 October 2014 at 13:40

    I admit my sympathy was limited too- until I tried spelling 'Subhan Anwar' as 'Stefan Kiszko'.

    Kinda puts it in perspective. No doubt Suburbiaonwar or whatevr his name was, was a evil little shite who richly deserved slow throttling with a pair of jogging strides (almost poetic justice that!) BUT...maybe the next Child Killer is actually innocent? Or does anyone (Yes I'm looking at you Dioclese) really believe that our hardworking , Great British Courts NEVER send an innocent to prison?

    Oh btw Tim Evans says 'hi'.

  4. "If we hadn't been stupid enough to abolish the death penalty, then this would never have happened."

    Heh! Sadly, I doubt he'd have qualified..

    "Would it be tasteless to suggest the transfer of some other prisoners to the prison?"

    I've got a little list!

    "I admit my sympathy was limited too- until I tried spelling 'Subhan Anwar' as 'Stefan Kiszko'."

    A good point, but there seems little doubt of his guilt when you look at the original trial publicity...
