Saturday 25 October 2014

Signs Of A Much-Needed Reformation..?

The event held at Central Park in Bandar Utama near here on Sunday was also held to encourage people to be compassionate towards dogs.
It is said to have received the blessing of the Selangor Islamic Council, but Selangor Mufti Datuk Setia Mohd Tamyes Abd Wahid yesterday declared that it was of no benefit to Muslims.
Mohd Tamyes said that while dogs should be treated humanely as they are also God’s creatures, events such as the one held on Sunday did not bring any benefit to Muslims in the country.
It brings quick a lot of benefit, surely? It enables people to see them as fellow human beings and not reactionary raving nutjobs?

Like their spokespeople:
Jakim director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha said the campaign was conducted openly, including for Muslims, without a good reason.
He feared that the organisers might have a hidden agenda and saw it as trying to create a new culture that could lead to insulting Islam.
Yes, yes, because everything’s a big plot against Islam, isn’t it?

And why not take a leaf out of the Christian’s book, and simply shrug off ‘insults’? Is it because ‘turn the other cheek’ isn’t to be found anywhere in your Holy Book?
Popular freelance preacher Mohd Kazim Elias has accused the organisers of trying to legalise something that was clearly haram (forbidden) in Islam.
In his Facebook posting yesterday, Mohd Kazim claimed the event was also a subtle way by certain people to liberalise and pluralise Islam.
“Muslims cannot, for no reason, touch dogs. What is the purpose of having a programme to encourage Muslims to touch dogs? They are considered unclean (najis mugahalazah), the same as pig,” he said.
Well, maybe the purpose is to encourage you into joining the 21st century with the rest of the human race?


  1. If the history of Christianity is anything to go by and yes there are similarities in terms fundamentalism, intolerance, fanaticism and bloody conflict then it is going to be many centuries more before Islam enters the 21st century.

  2. Muslims love dogs. Our new Iman has a spot in every mosque and since every mosque has a team of groomers, spot must be well cared for.
    Yes, I know what you are thinking...

    ...these terrible stories of bestial activities cannot be justified and are highly offensive. The implication of sex with a dirty, unclean animal, is as disgusting as it is immoral and those responsible owe a public apology to dogs offended by any such rumours.

    Gabriel told Mo he didn't visit homes with dogs or pictures in them. They will come for your dogs, your art galleries, your musicians and comedians as all are haram.

  4. "...then it is going to be many centuries more before Islam enters the 21st century."

    I fear you're right...

    "...and since every mosque has a team of groomers..."


    "They will come for your dogs, your art galleries, your musicians and comedians as all are haram."

    And when they've done all that? What? Turn on themselves?
