Wednesday 8 October 2014

The Police, Slapdash & Lackadaisical Over A Dangerous Dog? Surely Not!

An eyewitness to a dog attack which left a nine-year-old boy with facial injuries says she has not been contacted by police – despite the force already being criticised for a lack of action.
Xaine’s (Ed: !!! ) parents, Michelle Haynes and Michael Leake, have said officers have done very little since their son was set upon by a German shepherd dog on the Westmill estate in Hitchin on August 14.
I’m shocked. I know you must be, too…
The eyewitness said: “I called the police on the 101 number and left my contact details and was told someone would call me back, but no one did.
I heard the owner of the dog say that she had to get the dog home before it bit someone else. The boy was shaken up. It’s just typical of the police they have been extremely complacent and I still see the dog around. It’s pathetic.”
Gosh! If only you’d been phoning with details on something vital, like an offensive FaceBook post or a Tweet, they might have actually got back to you.

But a kiddie being mauled? Nah, not interested.
Miss Haynes said: “There has been plenty of time for the police to come round or to arrange an interview with Xaine, but nothing has been done. If need be I’m sure that they could go to his school to interview him, but he has been on school holidays and has only gone back in the last week.
They are useless, I have no faith in them and it is totally ridiculous. They have not taken any action and we still continue to see the dog without a muzzle on it.”
The police say ‘Oooh, no, you’ve got it all wrong, we’re like swans, we are, we seem to be gliding serenely but underneath, there’s frenetic activity!’
A police spokesman said: “We have been in close contact with the victim’s family to ensure they are fully updated on the status of the investigation and this contact is on-going.
“While we appreciate the family may feel frustrated, it is vital to secure best evidence should any criminal action be deemed appropriate. As part of this process specially trained officers need to speak with the victim in a controlled environment.
However in the meantime, we have made attempts to reassure the family that work behind the scenes is taking place and inquiries have been, and continue to be conducted to trace and speak with witnesses and follow up lines of inquiry.”
Very reassuring, I’m sure we all agree?


  1. They really don't think they work for us, do they?

  2. Oh, I don't know, Julia.

    You cannot expect many appearances of Slapdash & co until close of the Radiator season.

  3. Amazing:- I didn't realise just how many words you could use to effectively say bugger all.

    Note to self: must read Hansard to improve my knowledge of this...

  4. XX I called the police on the 101 number XX

    Could not have been THAT urgent then. Or does the 999 number not exist any more?

  5. Melvin i've booked you a room in the Premier Inn on the Huddersfield ring-road tonight.The brandy and revolver you need to supply yourself-do the world a big favour please.

  6. To Furor; as a witness to and not a reporter of an incident I would use the non-emergency number.

    Police dragging their feet over an attack by a German Shepherd? Maybe retired Police dogs get rehoused, like care in the community for attack dogs. Just saying, like. Don't want to awaken the Jaded/MTG diptych.

  7. witch collidge as you got lernt inglish jaded

  8. XX wpc jilted said...

    witch collidge as you got lernt inglish jaded XX

    It was probably the same one you learned to be a "doctor" in, lawnmower man.

  9. "They really don't think they work for us, do they?"

    They really don't think, full stop!

    "Amazing:- I didn't realise just how many words you could use to effectively say bugger all."

    I expect there are courses for it... ;)

    "Maybe retired Police dogs get rehoused, like care in the community for attack dogs."

