Sunday 26 October 2014

"You Can't Park That 'ere, Mate!"

"'s a bus, and that's a bus stop!"
Wardens started ticketing buses after receiving complaints about illegal parking. The council said no vehicle was allowed to stop in the street unless loading or unloading.
And....passengers don't count?!?
"It is as if the council is on a suicide mission to drive everyone out of Wolverhampton."
Can't really argue with that..!

H/T: Ted Treen via email


  1. Just a small point but the people described in the article issuing tickets are NOT Traffic Wardens. They are Parking Wardens, or Attendants. Until the parking (yellow line) regulations were decriminalized and TWs phased out, they were employed by Police, had several powers under the Road Traffic Acts, not just parking, and received a straight salary irrespective of how many, or few, parking tickets they issued. Many of them were a valuable source of local information for Police and not only in traffic matters. PWs are employed by local councils and have only one aim, which is to receive as big a bonus as possible by issuing parking tickets to anything that stops on a road, whether it be an illegally parked motor vehicle, a horse, a car stopping to let someone get out (and we all know how long that takes),or even a pram with a child in it. Also, TWs were required to have a basic understanding of the English language, something which does not seem to apply to PWs, at least where I live, where they also dress in paramilitary style uniforms.

  2. TWs were required to have a basic understanding of the English language, something which does not seem to apply to PWs, at least where I live, where they also dress in paramilitary style uniforms.

    The uniforms are understandable, as most of the PWs I see are People Of Machete.

  3. Why would anyone want to go to Wolverhampton?

  4. Flax, old lad - as you well know, some have to travel THROUGH Wolverhampton on their pilgrimage to Tipton (And Mad O'Rourkes...).

  5. From the article:

    "Wardens were responding to complaints that drivers had been abandoning their buses for long periods of time for breaks.

    Buses and coaches are allowed to stop in the street to drop people off and pick them up, but not to park."

  6. "Also, TWs were required to have a basic understanding of the English language, something which does not seem to apply to PWs.."


    "From the article..."

    Yes, it did seem to be that they'd been stretching the boundary somewhat..
