Thursday 16 October 2014

"“You just don’t expect this to happen..."

Really? Seems to me it happens quite a lot:
A family member, who did not wish to be named, said: “She was walking with her dog and saw these three dogs and the next moment they were dragging their owner to the bottom of the hill.
“He couldn’t control them and they started to attack.
“They were on leads, but dragged their owner.
“They started biting the dog.”
 Are Essex Police concerned? You wouldn't know it:
A police spokesman said: “The incident has been reported and inquiries are ongoing.”
Don't pull a muscle, lads, eh?


  1. An irreponsible bloke + three nasty staffies. How on earth do you track them down in SE Essex?

    Needles and haystacks…

    That comment neatly sums up the problem, the more common these attacks become the less attention is paid, so much for the dangerous dogs act.

  2. This is a form of civil disobedience, such that policing it (with peoples permission) is difficult. For every irresponsible owner there are many, many more responsible owners. The answer, not tongue in cheek, is to licence owners. As for the DDA, that's just a guide for precisely which breed to get. Some of these owners posess such dogs because they live in broken communities, surrounded by violence and theft. Being in such a place suggests that they are not too bright. Owning such dogs is a responsibility which the none too bright might not be up to. Just saying that the dogs are a symptom of something else which we need to address. Be that education, immigration, broken families, unemployment, the pointless war on drugs, these are the things which require action. Then we might find dangerous dog ownership declining on housing estates.

  3. "An irreponsible bloke + three nasty staffies. How on earth do you track them down in SE Essex?"

    A good point. Sadly... :/

    "For every irresponsible owner there are many, many more responsible owners. The answer, not tongue in cheek, is to licence owners."

    Collective punishment, andy.

    The scum won't obey it any more than they tax their cars or licence their TVs. Yet it'd drive pensioners & the low paid into going without pets.
