Saturday 22 November 2014

Oh, But I Think You Are

Mel Wakeman, senior lecturer in applied physiology at Birmingham City University, said yesterday: “Hungry Horse obviously have no conscience and no doubt both their wallet and the size of their customers will be getting fatter by the week.
“To me, this is simply ludicrous and irresponsible. I am no killjoy…”
Hey, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc…
“Why can’t they include on the menu what the customer would need to do to burn all those calories off? ”
Because there’s no room, given all the demands from the other obesity crisis squawkers to include the calorie count & the allergens, perhaps?

And if we are going to start demanding information regarding potential consequences be included, what disclaimer shall we have put on any degree course you might teach, eh?
The pub chain defended it's creation and called the dish "bizarre but brilliant".
It looks revolting to me, and I’m a committed carnivore, but each to their own, and since they aren't forcing anyone to eat it, what business is it of some clown at a third rate ex-polytechnic?


  1. Usually you label people useful idiots for supporting communists without their realising it, but I can see a case for calling the nannying fusbuckets useful idiots too as they give publicity to the cafe without realising it.

  2. what business is it of some clown at a third rate ex-polytechnic?

    It his business to comment on what he wants...just as you exercise your right to do the same.


  3. GG Mel Wakeman, senior lecturer in applied physiology at Birmingham City University, GG

    Aye, he has the right to spout. He does NOT have the right to be listened to.

    The trouble is, the Dictatorhip LISTEN to his drivel, because he has a degree in Knitting football scarves, or something.

    And the Dictaorship only listens to those who fulfil THEIR criteria.

    They never consider the SCIENTIFIC evidence that they could EVER be ... you know?.... WRONG.

  4. The dictatorship and their criteria whatever that mumbo jumbo is supposed to mean will do nothing and have never done anything.

    Whilst you look for monsters Furor...nothing gets banned and you can smoke and eat and drink as much as you have ever done.

    Didn't you realise that Furor...nobody gives a fuck about you or anyone else....but folk will as they have always done give advice which you can ignore.

    Keep on eating and smoking and drinking Furor...the monsters aint out to get you.


  5. Aye Prickie.... sory Rickie, that is why you can not smoke in Pubs any more.

    Fucking dip shit.

  6. You lot are so narrow-minded.

    I am drinking a pint of John Smith's (ghastly stuff) and I would feel much better knowing that Mel Wakeman would have to spank one out in his office in Birmingham Poly twenty times to consume its calories.

    The SI unit for burning calories could be named in honour of Mel Wakeman, like Watt, Ohm, and Newton before him. The Wakeman is the number of times an academic has to bash the bishop in outrage per kCal under standard temperature and pressure.

    Under the law of the conservation of energy, I guess if enough of us had a wank, Senior Lecturer Wakeman woukd be forced to eat a greasy hamburger.

    Get to it!

  7. Smoking in pubs ban is protection against SHS...self regulation didn't work cos smokers didn't give a toss about non had decades to sort it out and now you pay the price.

    That of course does not change how much you smoke, eat or drink.....has the penny dropped yet Furor?, all this bansturbating in blogland is a crock of shit cos nothing ever gets of course imagine Mel Wakeman and anyone else with health advice is a monster out to get you.

    yet you still do consume anything you like

    fucking dip shit.


  8. Dear Mel, "This is what a heart attack looks like" (insert picture). But he added "literally". If someone has a picture of failed coronary muscle, please send it to Mel, so he understands what "literally" means.

  9. Once again Rickie uses foul language on a woman's blog - he's a regular verbal abuser at Kath Lissenden's too. Something to do with a virility problem, no doubt.

  10. Some Toronto restaurant is now offering deep fried butter - perhaps by way of an "up yours" to the health gestapo, now operating all over the western world.

    And the original deep fried Mars bar chippie in Stonehaven now offers deep fried clootie dumplings (all suet and fruit) too.

  11. "Smoking in pubs ban is protection against SHS"

    Thanks and all that but I'm of the age of majority and therefore able to judge if I want to enter a smoking pub or not. And I used to quite frequently, even as a non smoker. But pubs have become a bit soul-less since the pleasure ban.

  12. "...but I can see a case for calling the nannying fusbuckets useful idiots too as they give publicity to the cafe without realising it."

    Good point! ;)

    "It his business to comment on what he wants...just as you exercise your right to do the same."

    I wouldn't stop him, even if I had the power.

    I bet that favour wouldn't be returned.

    "Aye Prickie.... sory Rickie, that is why you can not smoke in Pubs any more."

    Bingo! These people have influence. Rickie knows that.

    "The SI unit for burning calories could be named in honour of Mel Wakeman, like Watt, Ohm, and Newton before him."


  13. "Thanks and all that but I'm of the age of majority and therefore able to judge if I want to enter a smoking pub or not. "

    Just so. And hey, Rickie, if SHS is the target, why extend it to e-cigs?

    I'll wait. Take your time ;)
