Friday 19 December 2014

Gee, Thanks, Met Police….

A source said: “The plane was taxiing down the runway but we managed to turn it round. This was a big decision to take because of all the disruption it caused.
But we had to stop her going. It has probably saved her life.”
It’s nice that you can inconvenience an entire plane full of people so you can pat yourselves on the back & bask in the adulation of the left-wing, but seriously, what loss to the UK would she have been..?

Mind you, you’re amateurs at this compared to the West Midland Police:
Mr Justice Keehan, in the High Court, said he was "extremely surprised" at the secretive stance taken by West Midlands Police, which claimed the men could face retaliation if they were named. The force is still refusing to formally release photographs of the gang despite the judge’s forceful comments about the way officers had approached the case.
Oh, and it gets better!
Police had also argued that there was a risk innocent members of the public would be mistaken for members of the gang and attacked.
As you can imagine, that cut even less ice with the by now irascible judge:
"The surest way of eradicating or ameliorating the risk of misidentification is ensuring the fullest possible details of each of the (men), including photographs, are made public and given wide coverage by the media,” the judge said. "I am not satisfied that there is any credible evidence that there is a risk to the life of any respondent to these proceedings.
"Publicity about these (men) may cause embarrassment, distress or anxiety to the respondents or to members of their respective families and friends.
"Such would not have occurred if they had not engaged, as I have found they did, in the sexual exploitation of a vulnerable young female."
Quite. These are consequences.

When did the oh-so-overworked-and-understaffed police farce start to waste valuable resources on ensuring criminals didn’t have to worry about them?

H/T: @HandofGod7 via Twitter


  1. That any number of tax paying citizens are inconvenienced by plod, will never be of consequence to this self-idolising gang.

    Time to disband our self-serving tyrants.

  2. When did the oh-so-overworked-and-understaffed police farce start to waste valuable resources on ensuring criminals didn’t have to worry about them?

    When some members of the farce started emulating the crims.

    I assume they didn't want the photos released because people would see that those of no appearance were friends with several of the farce and people might start drawing the correct conclusions.

  3. Oh dear Julia,can you imagine what the outcry would have been if this girl had been allowed to leave England and got killed? And the police could have stopped her? Angry parents with folded arms expecting a large payout....
    Then you would be moaning about incompetence and wasting taxpayers money on the settlement.
    In my opinion anyone who wants to go and fight in the Middle East should be driven to the airport by us and stripped of their passport forever-but that's why i've never climbed the ladder.

  4. You know what it's like when you take a poo and the last bit won't come out?

    This intervention has made me feel the same way.

    Hundreds of Britons have joined the conflict
    They are not Britons. They are not fit to lick the soles of the newspaper-stuffed, holed shoes of the drunken beggar who is British.

  5. "Time to disband our self-serving tyrants."

    Why throw the baby out with the bathwater?

    "I assume they didn't want the photos released because people would see that those of no appearance were friends with several of the farce ..."


    "Oh dear Julia,can you imagine what the outcry would have been if this girl had been allowed to leave England and got killed?"

    Yeah, it'd be on page 14 of the local rag. And they'd have to pre-moderate comments.

    Seriously, Jaded, no-one other than the small but over-vocal minority of beard-strokers & tutters at the 'Guardian' would care.

    "They are not Britons."

