Wednesday 17 December 2014

It’s Always Good To See Them Turn On Each Other…

Senior Labour councillor Nick Peel said the campaigners have lost sight of who the ‘real enemy’ is.
Labour has pledged to abolish the under-occupancy charge if they win the next general election, and in August 2013 Bolton Council passed a motion - with the backing of Conservative councillors - calling for the hated policy to be scrapped.
“Cliff marched through Bolton town centre with these people against the bedroom tax and was proud to do so”, Cllr Peel said.
“The cause has been taken over by the hard left, whose fight is always with Labour, not the Tory government.
“Not one of the protestors mentioned the Tory government, who are behind the introduction of the bedroom tax.
“But that is what we always get with the Trots – they don’t challenge the Conservatives, they just hate Labour.”
*gets biiiiiig bag of popcorn*


  1. I can understand the concern. There is so little difference between the two parties that Labours demographic can't tell the difference.

  2. XX Labours demographic can't tell the difference.XX

    Not difficult. They can not tell their arse from the elbow at the BEST of times.

  3. “Not one of the protestors mentioned the Tory government, who are behind the introduction of the bedroom tax."

    Really? I think it was labour who introduced this tax. They only applied it to private tenants, of course. The Tories took the next logical move and extended it to Council tenants as well.

  4. “Not one of the protestors mentioned the Tory government, who are behind the introduction of the bedroom tax."

    There is no bedroom tax. There is decreasing or removing a subsidy.

  5. @John Tee

    You're forgetting the left's increasing use of "Newspeak".

    Mis-describe something often enough, and it takes root as a generic term.

    Just as anyone who sensibly questioned unlimited immigration soon found the epithet "Racist" hurled at them from all quarters, to the extent that most politicians who in general are so sh1t-scared of attracting this description, back off thus leaving lefties to continue their ungodly agenda unobstructed.

  6. "There is so little difference between the two parties that Labours demographic can't tell the difference."


    "Really? I think it was labour who introduced this tax. They only applied it to private tenants, of course. The Tories took the next logical move and extended it to Council tenants as well."

    Spot on!
