Friday 19 December 2014

It’s Not Quite ‘Sod Off, Swampy!’ But It’s A Start…

Andrew Smith, of Campaign Against the Arms Trade, said: “On Remembrance Day, the Tower of London was a focus for remembering the horrendous loss of life in the First World War.
It is disturbing that just weeks later it can play host to the very arms companies which profit from perpetuating war and conflict today.
It is crassly insensitive and in extremely bad taste that this historic monument would do this so soon after providing such a high-profile focal point for Remembrance Day.”
Riiiiight. You're really 'concerned' aren't you? Really upset at the 'offence' caused to the Remembrance Day event.

After all, if it were left up to people like you, we'd all be speaking German!
The event was organised by the LCCI’s defence and security committee group, whose members include representatives of BAE Systems, Britain’s largest defence company, as well as French-owned Thales and Lockheed.
In a statement, the LCCI said: “This event is attended by those who work or have an interest in the defence and security industry, including MoD and military personnel.Venues are chosen based on considerations including cost, availability, their relevance to the sector and on feedback from our members.”
In a statement, HRP said: “As an independent charity receiving no Government or Crown funding, we rely on income generated by commercial activities to care for the palaces and keep them open for people to enjoy.
“Our events policy states that we will work with clients who appropriately reflect the status and dignity of the palaces. In our judgement, the decision to host an event by the London Chamber of Commerce is consistent with this policy.”
Mine too. So take your oh-so-fake 'concern' and shove it!


  1. Andrew Smith went on to say:
    "If only we'd just sat down and shared the energy crystal, the terrors of WW1 and WW2 could have been averted".

    "At school, I was bullied rather badly, until I decided to do something for peace. I sat down with the boy who'd been shaking me down for my lunch money, and shared my energy crystal with him.
    He glassed me with it, but I call that a victory over these warmongering arms companies."

    "My next ambition is to forge peace in warring African counties, not by travelling there and negotiating, but by staging a peaceful protest in London.
    During daylight hours, of course. Mummy says it's dangerous at night."

  2. It is possible to defend your country by diplomacy. Better if the diplomacy was backed up by the arms to pursue diplomacy by other means.

  3. Tis what makes Britain great, massive sentimental gushing at every oportunity followed by large scale death by a massive military machine and cold hard brutal money making in arms and defence.

    Its the same with Ant n dec on Text Santa....Ant was shedding a tear over a cancer victim....I wonder how many hours his team of advisors spent on the contract to appear and appearance fees and expenses.


  4. @Rickie

    I think that Dianafication is a relatively recent phenomenon. What ever happened to the stiff upper lip?

    It is probably because women are now the dominant sex.

    Have a look at the shrine in Cairns to those eight children.

    We look at savages and wonder why they sacrifice virgins. They look at us and wonder why cheap Chinese teddy bears are left at the scene of a death.

  5. XX Anonymous andy5759 said...

    It is possible to defend your country by diplomacy.XX

    Aye. "Sam Vimes diplomacy."

    "Look Mr "ambassador," you don't get your troops of my land in the next half hour, you PERSONALLY are going home in a fucking ambulance!"

  6. @Furor

    That reminds me of Max von Fartipanzen in this:

    I am definitely going for a beer in the Klo with you next time I am in Berlin.

    I wonder what the Wehrmacht would have made of a specimen such as Andrew Smith. But oh, no, they are National Socialists! Far better for him to voice his opinions to the heroes of the people, the Soviet Union. The Nice Socialists!

    "Are you scared of all those nasty bullets, Comdrade Anjevsky? Never mind, we'll put you somewhere safe until it's all over. We're a bit short on lentils, as we've been besieged for 16 months, but I'm sure we can get some Faitrtrade tofu for you."
    "But Comrade Commissar - I have this peace energy crystal..."

  7. "Andrew Smith went on to say:
    "If only we'd just sat down and shared the energy crystal, the terrors of WW1 and WW2 could have been averted"."


    "Aye. "Sam Vimes diplomacy.""

    Yes indeed!

    "I wonder what the Wehrmacht would have made of a specimen such as Andrew Smith."

    Lampshades, probably.
