Sunday 28 December 2014

Knocked Down Already, Jack...?

My, my, that was almost as fast as getting knocked up, wasn't it?


  1. Her recipes are crap when you try them for free off the Graun. Why would anyone pay for them ?

  2. How were they charging £18.99 for 'Eat like a pauper' in the first place? That's straight out of 'Jack and the beanstalk'.

    The comments on the Amazon site are worth a look - 'the Kindle version is better'. And as for the introduction - 'I am so wonderful' should serve as a reasonable precis.

    I am all for people bettering themselves. The more the merrier. You have to ask yourself, though, why someone who has succeeded still resents others who did so before her.

  3. Jack??? Her?? I've seen less Tattoos on Jeremy Kyle..

    Ah, it all becomes clear, a "Carpet licking Guardianista"... I really need a £10 book to teach me how to open a tin of soup and cook super noodles..

  4. Is this Jack fellow really a woman?

  5. "Her recipes are crap when you try them for free off the Graun. Why would anyone pay for them ?"

    It seems not enough did! :)

    "I am all for people bettering themselves. The more the merrier. You have to ask yourself, though, why someone who has succeeded still resents others who did so before her."

    Something in the water at 'Guardian' HQ?

    "I really need a £10 book to teach me how to open a tin of soup and cook super noodles.."


    "Is this Jack fellow really a woman?"

    She used to be 'Melissa' - Jack is an affected name.
