Saturday 27 December 2014

Shock Horror! People Buy Things To Sell At A Profit!

A "sickening" online video for a £47m Deptford development has provoked a furious response for…
… portraying much-needed new homes as investments rather than places for people to actually live.
Ummm, what?
The scheme is the latest in a string of major housing developments - including Kidbrooke Village and Eltham's Grove Place - being marketed to foreign investors in places like Hong Kong, who often let the properties out or even leave them vacant before flogging them off at a hefty profit.
Oh my god! I didn’t realise that people could do such a thing with property they legally own!
The video was hastily pulled from one website after an angry online response, with Deptford artist Maria Livings writing: "The idea that this project is being sold to investors and that the coolness of artists is being touted as the reason why property prices are about to hurtle still further up is completely sickening.
"None of the interesting, creative people who have contributed to the vibrant culture of the area are able to afford to buy a home and their work spaces are being eliminated wholesale as developers buy up all the land to create yet more unaffordable housing."

Sorry, had to pause for breath!

And Deptford resident Dan Strange, from the Defend Council Housing group, contrasted the video with council housing shortages and the high level of deprivation in parts of SE8, saying: "I was absolutely shocked by the clear speculation behind the project.
"No one is surprised but of course it's a loss for the people of Lewisham. It's clear the vast majority of people won’t be able to afford these flats."
I’m not sure that fewer of the ‘vibrant culture’ types could really be seen as a loss, per se…
Mayor of Lewisham Sir Steve Bullock said: "It's a problem across the whole of London. We've seen it trickle down from properties along the riverfront right through the city. I think most of us aren't very happy about it."
*shrugs* Personally, I could care less.


  1. Exactly how much less could you care Julia? I think you mean that you couldn't care less ;)

  2. What is hilarious is that these foreign investors are going to buy that property up regardless of how it is being portrayed on the website.

    These people are so dumb that they seem to think that if you don't call a pig a pig, it will stop being a pig.


  3. On a positive note, it is nice to see parts of Kidbrooke and Eltham making money somehow.. Anyone recall that Kidbrooke Estate, that Somalian infected denizen of crime?

  4. Yes Julia, the use of that hideous American 'coujld care less' is a no no I'm afraid. It just doesn't make sense because we know you COULDN'T care less

  5. The arty types clearly can;t be as 'interesting' or 'creative' as they think if they can't afford one of the new flats.

    Anyway, I can't see the problem. It means that soon I will no longer have nightmares about my car breaking down as I drive through the old Farrier Estate.

  6. XX Personally, I could care less. XX

    You some kind of shit bag American fucker, or what?

  7. "Exactly how much less could you care Julia? I think you mean that you couldn't care less ;)"

    GAH! Blame the festive celebrations... ;)

    "These people are so dumb that they seem to think that if you don't call a pig a pig, it will stop being a pig."

    That's why they are progressives!

    "The arty types clearly can;t be as 'interesting' or 'creative' as they think if they can't afford one of the new flats."

    Public-financed 'art', I bet!

    "You some kind of shit bag American fucker, or what?"

