Tuesday 30 December 2014

The Hierarchy Of Workers, According To The Left..

"Our sainted public sector workers must be protected at all costs - do your duty, officers!"

"Those awful low-end shop workers? Let them walk through broken glass, vomit and urine! Do your duty, officers!"

It's not often they let their loathing of those who work for a real living show so blatantly...


  1. “If more people knew that if they got drunk they were going to be arrested, they wouldn’t drink in the first place and then end up in A&E"

    Am I to understand from this that people blithely become very drunk knowing that they'll end up in A&E, but that arrest might deter them?

    I have a better idea. Charge people for using these services. Not with crimes, but with their credit cards.

    If I wanted Dr Mann to give me a blowjob, it would be quite reasonable to expect to pay him for it. Why should it be any different if I want my scalp stitched?

    Oh, I get it - I've already paid, through my NI. So seeing that I don't use A&E, when do I get the other?

    Actually, for such a simple procedure, I'm sure a nurse would do.

  2. Complex issues that have been debated since I first joined the police nearly 40 years ago, drunks, vagrants and people with mental health problems. With all the debate what has been done? Fuck all - the police are still expected to to be 24 hour uniformed social workers but I found the Police Federation response pathetic. They speak the management speak and have become as ineffective as them and the government - no wonder the police service, it's standards and professionalism are going down the pan and the divide between them and the public is wider than ever.
    I seem to recall the City of London Police and the City Corporation had a street hosing policy a few years ago that got the Guardianistas up in arms.
    Plenty of places for vagrants or whatever politically correct tag has been given to them these days to go - but many don't want to abide by the rules. Sad but pissing and shitting in a shop doorway isn't nice for the minimum wagers who are now called ''scum' by the latest generation of The Young Ones.
    The 24 hour and night time economy we live with cannot cope with processing drunks, disorderly or incapable through the criminal justice system - it just isn't going to happen. The infra structure doesn't exist and the CPS and courts actively seem to work against the police.
    Better to divert NHS money for superbus/Ambos and flip flop policies instead-leaving the elderly on trollies for days on end.

    Police stations that still exist with cells and charging facilities are NOT the places for people unconscious/vulnerable through drink - whether there's nursey on duty or not; the same for the mad - whether or not there's a mental health nursey on duty. Too many people have died etc. The police haven't wanted for many year, the professionals haven't either and neither do the various pressure groups. So what's happened - oh, yeah - fuck all.

  3. So, let me get this right. A drunk turns up at A&E, is arrested by Police and removed to a Police station, where he/she is booked in and placed in a cell. During the incarceration, the drunk claims to feel unwell, so is taken back to A&E for assessment. As still drunk, on the wishes of the medical staff, the drunk is removed and returned to the Police station where he/she still claims to feel unwell and is returned to A&E. And so the sorry saga continues - all over the country. I hope no one has forgotten that 2 Police officers are required to convey one arrested person and that once placed in a cell, someone has to maintain supervision to ensure the drunk doesn't throw up and choke on their own vomit. I trust the cost of the extra Police will come from the NHS budget?
    When working on a Far East island which was once a British colony, I saw at first hand how they dealt with drunks. They were given an injection (of what I don't know) which kept the drunk conscious and which made them vomit profusely for at least 2 hours and then unable to keep any food or drink down for about 12 hours afterwards. Their actions were videotaped and they were then arrested, charged with being drunk or drunk and disorderly and the video shown in court. Very heavy fines for first offenders, even heavier fines for second offenders and jail time for each occasion after that. Apparently very few Europeans went back for a second go.

  4. If first drunk that dies in custody is black then that will spark riots across the country.
    Get me some new trainers-i'm a size 9.

  5. It isn't the 'black drunks' Jaded; it's the huge proportion of Black/African/Caribbean men with mental health issues that cause the probs in and around in custody deaths. If there was a proper place of safety for police to take them too with medical professionals that didn't say 'personality disorder' and refuse to section them then maybe so many of the 'cause celebres' we are still enduring may not have happened. Why does it take 6 police officers to subdue a raving madman (black or white) - 'cos it does! Where was 'da commoonitee' when the guy was going off his meds, behaving weirdly, clearly not his normal self? We all know the answer - no -one gave a fuck until it was too late - and then the race hucksters, the lawyers, the commoonittee leaders and the rest of the pantomime get up on their hind legs asking for public or judge - led (the latest) Inquiries. Bollocks. I'll have some Size 12 Merrills please and a 52" curved plasma

  6. "Am I to understand from this that people blithely become very drunk knowing that they'll end up in A&E, but that arrest might deter them?"


    It's nonsense, but since seeing that story of the Ebola medics who dispensed with infection control 'cos it's Africa and the natives are so friendly!' I've given up expecting common sense from NHS staff!

    "...I found the Police Federation response pathetic. They speak the management speak and have become as ineffective as them and the government..."

    Sadly very true.

    So many large organisations, past a certain size, stop working for those they are supposed to work for, and begin feathering their own nest.

    "I hope no one has forgotten that 2 Police officers are required to convey one arrested person and that once placed in a cell, someone has to maintain supervision///"

    You think the likes of these idiots care about the details? They are ideas men!

    Getting their hands dirty with details is strictly for the plebs...

    "They were given an injection (of what I don't know) which kept the drunk conscious and which made them vomit profusely for at least 2 hours and then unable to keep any food or drink down for about 12 hours afterwards."

    Human Rights Act. They didn't have it, clearly! WE do, sadly..
