Monday 1 December 2014

Unnamed Exeter Businessman For Devon & Cornwell PCC!

He’s doing a far better job than the incumbent, after all:
A wealthy businessman has spent £10,000 hunting the mindless thugs who fatally injured his daughter’s pet cat in Exeter. The man is furious that both the police and the RSPCA have been unwilling to interview the suspects in the shooting of the young black cat called Farah.
Gosh, I wonder why? Is he a ‘vulnerable youth’ or a ‘protected minority’, perhaps?

And this is a pretty stirring electoral speech, should this chap ever decide to throw his hat in the ring:
Within days the businessman hired an investigation firm to make inquiries into the shooting which happened near Exeter’s Crematorium on the main arterial Topsham Road.
He said: ”I would never advocate vigilante style behaviour but it is clear that society is fed up to the back teeth with anti social behaviour, bullying and downright thuggery that the police forces in this country now seem either powerless or unmotivated to investigate and prosecute
“If to try and make a difference it takes a few wealthy people to act in support of the majority, then I will quite happily spend what it costs.
“In spite of spending £10,000 on the investigation, surveillance work and creating a contact route for residents to talk about their troubles, there is still no willingness from the police to interview the suspects, which is especially unfathomable given that the primary suspect is well known to them for previous offences.
“And we see similar inaction from the RSPCA. No animal should suffer in such a way.
“My daughter was devastated and no dad wants to see that. The next time it could be a family with young children, or an elderly widow who had just lost her husband and then her beloved cat.
“This is mindless cruelty and bullying. Evidence clearly shows that many young people who hurt animals, hurt human beings in later life.
“I appointed a private investigation team because it became clear that the police were not prepared to investigate the incident, and, just as worrying, nor were the RSPCA.
“I know the police are busy and I know they have suffered budget cuts but society can’t just go on ignoring this kind of thuggish behaviour.”

What do they have to say for themselves? Well, the usual, as you’d expect…
Devon and Cornwall Police said:”Police continue to investigate this incident of cruelty to a cat, and are liaising with the private investigator to establish whether any information they have can assist the police.”
Translation: “Oh crap, quick PR Team, write some bland bollocks that makes it look as if we’re doing something!”
The RSPCA has not responded.
Translation: “….what, no tv cameras? Meh!”

And yes, I know some will come here & protest that the police have their hands tied by the law, or they have more important things to deal with, or even ‘it’s only a cat’ but I defy you to find hard evidence to disagree with the gist of his speech…


  1. "It's only a cat.
    The police have their hands tied by he law.
    They have more important things to deal with."
    There you go Julia,saved you a bit of time.

    From reading the story there doesn't seem to be much evidence apart from one of the suspects previous convictions which do not prove anything (unfortunately).I'm sure you imagine that police will arrest the four suspects and can "sweat" a confession out of one of them.Keep watching TV because that's the only place that happens.
    Had it been a child hit then the criticism might have been justified.

  2. It is 'cos the cat was black? Typical institutional racism!


  3. I know coppers wear yellow, but I didn't know the colour went all the way through.

  4. The dopey twat could have had his suspects GBH'd for a fraction of the amount he's wasted with his 'investiagtuions'

  5. "I know coppers wear yellow, but I didn't know the colour went all the way through."

    I dunno. Most of them will say exactly what they think of you, anonymously on facebook, the moment you leave the station.

  6. Schrodinger's Dog1 December 2014 at 18:43

    I'm surprised at the indifference of the police. I'd have thought they'd be VERY interested in a shooting, even of a cat and even if the weapon were only an air rifle, or similar.

  7. The modern police 'service' is less interested in enforcing the law than in ensuring the public doesn't take it into its own hands.

  8. @ bobo

    An abundance of daily evidence supports your view. As opposed to fighting crime, what little effort plod are inclined to exert, is committed to a battle with central government and belittling citizens who dare to voice criticism.

  9. "From reading the story there doesn't seem to be much evidence..."

    How would anyone know? No investigation seems to have been done...

    "I know coppers wear yellow, but I didn't know the colour went all the way through."

    Ouch! But spot on - I'm wondering if an identity group is involved here.

    "The dopey twat could have had his suspects GBH'd for a fraction of the amount he's wasted with his 'investiagtuions'"

    It;s increasingly going to come to that, when the last shreds of faith in the police are gone.

    "I'm surprised at the indifference of the police. I'd have thought they'd be VERY interested in a shooting,"

    Well, quite! They seemed to leap into action when it was inanimate objects quick enough.
