Tuesday 2 December 2014

Welcome To Identity Politics And The Outrage Bus, Cllr Hall!

Councillor Hall, who is also a member of the London Fire Authority, said: “This is a television programme which thrives on controversy, and I’m honestly amazed that my tweets have been singled out in this way.
"Given my roles the campaign by the Fire Brigades Union is clearly politically motivated, but I also think it’s a sad state of affairs when a person doesn’t have luxury of being able to say what they think because of political correctness or fear of trial by Twitter jury.”
You’ll be pressing Tory Ministers to resist all such attempts to restrict free speech that offends someone then, will you?

Excellent! Start with Teresa May.
Anastasia de Waal, chairman of Bullying UK, said: "I think the people that should be worried the most are the party she represents and the council she is on. Why is she getting involved in this frivolous issue?
"She is posting completely pointless and negative comments, instead of talking to people in the area about how as a councillor she is going to improve their lives and serious issues."
Most councillors could best ‘improve their lives’ by abolishing their own posts and so lowering the tax bill, love…


  1. She is posting completely pointless and negative comments

    If they are completely pointless, you have to wonder about the degree of mental retardation you're suffering from or free time on your hands to pay any attention to them.

    I wanted to join Bullying UK but the fuckers expelled me when I demanded their lunch money. Ugly bastards, ugly ugly ugly Mister Poo man.

  2. "I wanted to join Bullying UK but the fuckers expelled me when I demanded their lunch money"

