Saturday 13 December 2014

Well, I’m Sure This Will Be A Recipe For Unalloyed Success!

…it was Gove who paved the way to erode confidence in the arts, and he remains the inspiration for my effort to better advocate the arts to government.
This is why I intend to stand as an independent candidate in Surrey Heath, the constituency for which Gove is currently a member of parliament, in next year’s general election.
So says ‘Bob and Roberta Smith’ (no, not two people, just the affectation of British contemporary artist Patrick Brill).

Let the comedy begin!
In my manifesto I will argue that:
• No school should be allowed to offer a curriculum without art, music, drama, dance and design at GCSE and A-level.
• Ofsted must include arts subjects as part of its assessment of schools. No school can possibly be considered “outstanding” unless it offers art, music, drama, dance and design.
• All children must study at least one arts subject at GCSE.
• Postgraduate training for art teachers should be enriched, not eroded.
• All primary-level teachers must be trained in art, craft and music.
• “Artist educators” should be supported – that is, professional artists who teach while also developing their own art practice.
Oh, my…!
I would like to establish an artistic community in Surrey Heath based on the principles of Black Mountain college in upstate New York. The latter, an experimental school which operated from 1933-57, was a centre for innovation which encouraged artists like Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns to reinvent American modernism, a kind of American Bauhaus which led to a renaissance in design.
I give it three months before they are reduced to cannibalism…


  1. Dear me! Art should be something a student chooses to take in further education if they want to. School should be about the things that are necessary to prepare you for life and work - art isn't that by a long shot.

    And besides, most schools do teach dance and it's usually that street dance crap that makes kids think a career as an x-factor contestant is a wise move.

  2. Stolen from somewhere :

    The holder of an electronics degree asked "how is it wired?"
    The holder of an engineering degree asked "how does it work?"
    The holder of an economics degree asked " how much does it cost?"
    The holder of an arts degree asked "do you want fries with that?"

  3. There is a case to be made for an arts movement bringing creativity to our children. The New York typographers of the 1950s/60s brought many exciting type styles. Europe managed to produce EuroFont, bland, featureless, designed to stultify original thought and to demand obedience. That fount is Helvetica, Ariel, Humanist some numbers, and others. Blimey, Univers has more character. I do think that this here chap might not do so well as he thinks.

  4. Substitute the word 'science' for 'art' and you will gain my attention. The last thing we need is more 'performing street artists' clogging up our byways. Tis bad enough trying not to make eye contact with the chuggers. Imagine the horror of being confronted by a beggar 'asking for a tenner' through the medium of mime.

  5. If by teaching art they meant taking it seriously in such a way that you have to work at it seriously before you're any damn good at it ie drawing, classical dance and music, performing Shakespeare, then I say yay for teaching discipline, aspiration to excellence and connecting with the Western Cannon. What I suspect is they will be asking innocents to participate in the ongoing dismantling of our culture.

  6. "I would like to establish an artistic community"

    What, exactly is stopping him? Or does he expect someone else to pay him to indulge his fantasy?

  7. Whenever I hear of some right-on arts-wallah demanding to dip the pockets of the working community, the 'Legz Akimbo' theatre company always comes to mind.(It's worth a search on the youtube thingy)

  8. "School should be about the things that are necessary to prepare you for life and work - art isn't that by a long shot."

    Spot on!

    "The holder of an arts degree asked "do you want fries with that?""


    "The last thing we need is more 'performing street artists' clogging up our byways. "

    But as the Jannie pointed out, we'll always need someone to put the hash browns in their little sleeves...

    "What, exactly is stopping him? Or does he expect someone else to pay him to indulge his fantasy?"

