Monday 5 January 2015

And If That Doesn't Suit, There's The Other Option...

'You are offered a place and there are currently no places in southern Sweden,' Swedish Migration Board's Pierre Karatzian told Expressen.
'These are the places on offer, or you have an opportunity to sort out accommodation on your own.'
...which is to sod off back where you came from.


  1. The Swedes are committed to importing 1% of their population each year so Malmo is now rape capital of the world. Life in the Arctic Circle is grim so why not send "refugees" there to test their resolve, provide needed labour and eat halal reindeer for their first five years?

  2. Or better still, billet them with the bleeding-heart liberals who foist them upon everyone else generally.

    In this country, that would greatly increase the populations chez Milliband, chez Balls, chez Harman etc., etc.

  3. I just love the sense of entitlement involved - cos it's their 'ooman rites, innit?

  4. I was at a dinner party five years ago with a Swedish copper in attendance. It was hardly a UKIP gathering but the subject of Muslim immigration came up and I asked him a few pertinent questions about the Swedish experience. This fifty something Stockholm detective expressed his amazement that the subject was even broached stating that in Sweden such a discussion was regarded as unacceptable.

    Maybe the scales have now fallen from their eyes but knowing the head in the sand childish liberal tradition of the country, I doubt it.

    I have spoken to a fair few Swedes in my life and they seemed to think their country is some kind of shining beacon of utopian paradise. It may have been thirty odd years ago but good luck with that now mina vanna.


    mina vanna = my friends in Swedish

  5. "The Swedes are committed to importing 1% of their population each year..."

    Sad, to see a country commit slow suicide.

    "I just love the sense of entitlement involved..."

    Anyone think they'd have that sense of entitlement in their own countries?

    No. Me neither.

    "...stating that in Sweden such a discussion was regarded as unacceptable. "

    Which is what the likes of our political classes would like to see here.
