Tuesday 27 January 2015

Creating Safer Neighbourhoods – Yr Doin’ It Wrong…

Snaresbrook Crown Court heard how Kabeer Yousaf, 31, was working for Green Street Safer Neighbourhoods Team in 2012 when he arranged to have sex with a woman in her 40s at a brothel in Corporation Street. Afterwards, he returned wearing uniform and demanded £2,000 to remove her details from the Metropolitan Police’s data systems.
Ah, diversity and positive discrimination to recruit from ‘unrepresented minorities’ is such a good idea, isn’t it?
In October that year, he investigated anti-social behaviour at a brothel in St Stephen’s Road, and returned a week later to demand the woman running it pay him money or he would shut it down.
The frightened woman agreed to pay £500 a fortnight, with Yousaf sometimes having sex with women at the brothel in lieu of payment.
I suppose the only saving grace is that he didn’t give the game away by his choice of automobile…
Following a trial which began on October 6 and finished on December 29, Yousaf was found guilty of two counts of blackmail, conspiracy to commit misconduct in a judicial or public office and committing misconduct in a public office.
I hope a lengthy custodial sentence awaits.


  1. The moment I here the expression "safer neighbourhoods", the image springs to the fevered eye of those actually doing this "making safer".

  2. Julia, you and the wider public really have no idea how much corruption and the ever increasing level of corruption is due to diversity and equality quota driven recruiting, the lowering of standards and the frequent failure to conduct the proper checks on such specially qualified people.

  3. It's people like these who give immigrants a bad name.

  4. Second commenter down is spot on...and woe betide anyone who points this out in my job (does anyone say woe betide any more?)

  5. "The moment I here the expression "safer neighbourhoods", the image springs to the fevered eye of those actually doing this "making safer"."


    "...and woe betide anyone who points this out in my job (does anyone say woe betide any more?)"

    Until some pressure group gets it banned!
