Wednesday 21 January 2015

If You Don’t Want The Goods Drawing Attention, Love…

…don’t put ‘em on display quite so prominently!
Seemingly missing Ricky Gervais' cringeworthy moments of yesteryear, Jeremy Renner took on the mantle of "the night's most awkward comment" at this year's Golden Globes.
The star of The Hurt Locker and The Bourne Legacy presented the award for Best Actor in a mini-series or TV movie alongside Jennifer Lopez, whose revealing dress had already made headlines on television and Twitter earlier on the Red Carpet. Renner asks Lopez to open the envelope to reveal the winner (which went to Billy Bob Thornton for Fargo) with Lopez responding, "You want me to do it? I have the nails."
Renner then glances down and quips, "You got the globes too", gesturing towards Lopez's deep V-neck dress.
The ioke evidently didn't sit well on a night when the hosts, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, made many references to Hollywood's "gender issues" ("Boyhood proves there are still great roles for women over 40, as long as you get hired when you're under 40".)
Furthermore, Maggie Gyllenhaal used her acceptance speech to celebrate the wealth of "actual women" cast in roles on screen.
Viewers instantly took to Twitter to criticise Renner's remark.
Well, yes. They don’t, after all, have to do much more than brush the popcorn dust off their fingers, do they? Unlike in the old days, when you’d have to pick up the phone or buy a stamp to register your outrage…
On Monday morning, Renner took to his own Twitter account to respond to the criticism, calling on people to not take his remark seriously and calling Lopez a "gem".
Yeah, like these people can ever be reasoned with. Honestly, don’t even try.


  1. "Furthermore, Maggie Gyllenhaal used her acceptance speech to celebrate the wealth of "actual women" cast in roles on screen."

    Huh? As opposed to all the fake women being cast in roles on the screen?

  2. Who could blame Renner for saying that? She had her tits out all over the place...

  3. Obscenity abounds whilst lewdness is demonised. We're all going mad.

  4. I'm not sure that she was particularly bothered by the remark - she presumably wanted them to be noticed (and a jolly good thing too, if you ask me) - I think it was the usual crowd getting outraged on behalf of someone else who they thought was too feeble to speak up for themselves.

  5. This is a strange remark
    "("Boyhood proves there are still great roles for women over 40, as long as you get hired when you're under 40".) "
    Apart from the great Buster Merryfield
    How many male actors have started their career when they are over 40?

  6. So JLo wears an extremely expensive dress crafted to reveal her mammaries but it's sexist to actually notice them? Civilisation if f**ked.

  7. "Huh? As opposed to all the fake women being cast in roles on the screen?"

    As well try to translate the Voynich Manuscript as the words of some Hollywood starlet..!

    "Who could blame Renner for saying that? She had her tits out all over the place..."

    The chaps who splashed out on a 3D TV must have been...

    Wait. That came out wrong!

    I mean...


    "So JLo wears an extremely expensive dress crafted to reveal her mammaries but it's sexist to actually notice them? Civilisation if f**ked."

    Spot on! We should stop expecting feminists to make sense, clearly.
