Tuesday 20 January 2015

Progressive Localism: You Are Invited To Have A Say…

…so long as you say what we want you to say; Rowan Moore on inner city building:
It’s not a beautiful word, localism, but it’s an ideal with whose basics it is hard to disagree: that local residents and businesses should have a say in what happens to their communities
Unless those local residents say ‘No more immigrants, travellers or asylum seekers, please!’ as they then immediately become persona non grata, and someone to be shouted down as loudly and as often as possible.


  1. Of course:- it's much the same as those "official inquiries" whose sole purpose is to produce the result wanted by those who commission said inquiry in order to attempt to fob us off with a so-called legitimisation of their course of action (or all too often, lack of it).

  2. Hertfordshire County Council conducted a survey to get public opinion on drastic bus cuts. Thousands of signatures on petition against proposals on top of overwhelming opposition in survey. They're determined to go ahead anyway.

  3. "...it's much the same as those "official inquiries" whose sole purpose is to produce the result wanted by those who commission said inquiry..."

    Yup! Had personal experience of this one.

    "They're determined to go ahead anyway."

    I WISH I could say I was surprised...
