Monday 12 January 2015

Stop Treating It As An Illness...'s a crime:
Lisa-Jayne Samuels, 28, of Prince Avenue, Southend, perverted the course of justice by making up the false claims between December 9, 2012, and December 7, 2013.
She admitted the charge when she appeared at Basildon Crown Court yesterday.
The court heard she masterminded the accusations in front of officers and maintained the web of lies during a lengthy police investigation.
A hefty jail sentence? Don't be silly....
Recorder Kenneth Carr adjourned sentencing Samuels until next year so a psychiatric report on her mental state can be written.
Condemnation from those who have to deal with real rapes? Don't be silly...
Speaking after the hearing, Laura Burroughs, manager at SOS Rape Crisis in Nelson Street, Southend, said: “In the experience of SOS Rape Crisis, false rape allegations are low in comparison to genuine cases received through referrals via the police, professionals or self-referral.
“On the rare occasion where false allegations are made, there are usually many complex reasons as to why individuals make that decision.”
Things to change in 2015? Don't be silly...


  1. The wimmin get what they want: men fearing women. Dividing and blurring gender differences until normal behaviour is described as extreme and provocative. They really do want us to die out, don't they? The irony is that they don't know who's interests they serve.

  2. Quite like the psychiatric report lark. I always thought they just released the type with a caution.

  3. "many complex reasons as to why individuals make that decision"

    Does that one work for rapists too? Rhetorical question, no reply needed.

  4. "The wimmin get what they want: men fearing women."

    That's not a good long term future for our species, is it?

    " I always thought they just released the type with a caution."

    It's rare, very rare, that they get an appropriate punishment.

    "Does that one work for rapists too? Rhetorical question, no reply needed."

