Wednesday 14 January 2015

Victimhood Poker: Black Aces Trump Black Aces..?

Lily Hirsch defends rap music in CiF:
Rap is a musical art form – not sentences simply set to a backing track. Rappers, like poets and other musicians, choose words for their sound, as part of rhythmic schemes, to hit syllabic counts, for assonance, alliteration or consonance, and any of a number of other reasons beyond just dictionary definitions.
Funny. I don't remember anyone at the 'Guardian' advancing this argument when they were cheering the banning of 'homophobic lyrics' in Jamaican dancehall music.

It's almost as if they are all massive hypocrites, or something...


  1. That paragraph made about as much sense as the average rap record.

  2. I could eat a tin of alphabetti spaghetti and SHIT better "lyrics" than those dip shits.
