Tuesday 20 January 2015

You Can Tell Pegida Has The Progressives Scared…

…by the arguments they use against it; Timothy Garton Ash in CiF hits all the right bogeymen buttons:
The protesters have taken the 1989 velvet revolutionary chant of Wir sind das Volk and given it a quite different meaning: not “We are the people”, aspiring to democratic self-determination, but “We are the Volk”, ethnically defined, as in the mouth of Adolf Hitler.
Hitler, readers! Hitler .. !!!
Pegida stands for Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, usually translated as Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the west. But the word Abendland is a strikingly old-fashioned one, meaning literally “evening land” (ie where the sun sets). It was used by Oswald Spengler in his monumental post-first world war tract of German cultural pessimism, Der Untergang des Abendlandes, only weakly translated as The Decline of the West.
Scary German concepts! Scary German language! German, get it?
… there are plenty of politicians, journalists and rabble-rousers around to stir that suspicion. Ukip’s Nigel Farage has even talked of a “fifth column” amid his English folk. (Or is that Volk?)
This in turn will produce more anxiety among European Muslims and, if we are not careful, more radicalisation among a small minority of them.
See, we can’t possibly talk about the radicalisation of a small sector of Muslims in case that makes them a large sector of radical Muslims.

Gosh, it makes so much sense!
It is horrifying to hear French Jews, members of one of the largest and oldest Jewish populations in Europe, saying that they no longer feel safe in France. Such antisemitic attacks feed into more suspicion and fear of Muslims
You see, it’s all the Jews’ fault! There they go, being victims again, and thereby causing trouble.
…we non-Muslim Europeans must keep sending these small signals to our Muslim fellow Europeans, both online and in our everyday personal interactions. The best signal of all is the one that indicates no explicit signal is necessary. This is what happens most of the time in a city like London: you just take it as given that Muslim British people are as much Brits as anyone else – that in truth there is no “they”, just a larger, gloriously mixed and muddled “us”.
Until, y’know, they make it plain that they are not ‘just like us’ and they are, in fact, very much not like us


  1. Muslim British? Surely British Muslim?

  2. XX But the word Abendland is a strikingly old-fashioned one, meaning literally “evening land” (ie where the sun sets). It was used by Oswald Spengler in his monumental post-first world war tract of German cultural pessimism,XX

    XX Der Untergang des Abendlandes – Der erste Band (Gestalt und Wirklichkeit) wurde von 1918 an in erster und zweiter Auflage der zweite Band (Welthistorische Perspektiven) 1922.XX

    First volume was published in 1918, Second volume 1922.

    I have a dictionary from 1908, and one from 1890 here, where the word is used to describe the West. So hardly to be linked to "Naziism" now, IS it!?

    Even if the arsehole writing the article does not say as much, his intent to somehow link it is obvious.

  3. What the FUCK!?

    These fucking suidaephobes are only supposed to be 4 to 10% of the population, yet the media, including web sites and bloggs, is so full of the bastard cunts, that you would think they were 90%

    You can not turn on a single T.V station, open a single "news" paper, log on to any of your currant affair blogg/web sites, without getting them and their "problems" stuffed up your nose at EVERY opportunity.

    Our trouble is, we taught the imbicilic cunts "democcracy."

    FUCK knows what the arsehole camel fuckers will be like when they get to 30, 40 or even 51% of the population!

  4. Oh aye!

    And if 25 to 30,000 sand niggers prortested in Dresden, you can bet your arse, the "Government" would bend over fucking backwards to give into the bastards demands.

    But HEJ! We are only WHITE!

  5. "…we non-Muslim Europeans must keep sending these small signals to our Muslim fellow Europeans, both online and in our everyday personal interactions."

    I suggest that he wander around with a big sign with the words 'I Submit' on it. You know just in case he thought he was being to subtle with his support of the Religion of Peace(tm).

  6. They're just like us. Except when using NHS services. Then, females get special treatment and treated into individual rooms while other people just get treated in the open plan area.

    They're just like us except I have to take my flip-up motorcycle helmet completely off to fill up with fuel in many places, while they can keep a complete face covering on.

    They're just like us, except it's getting harder and harder to find humanely slaughtered food in supermarkets where I live because their practices take preference (minority ? clearly not!)

    They're just like us except their kids dictate what deserts are available for our kids at school.

    They're just like us .... how ?

  7. I have a deep suspicion that the vast majority of Muslims living in the West although not participating in violent acts do not disapprove of those who do. They do not approve of Western standards and values(they are after all adherents of a religion that has not had the benefit of an enlightenment/reformation and therefore still stuck in middle ages philosophies and mind set) as they deem them decadent(which of course they are) and an affront to the teachings of their prophet.

    I would go further to suggest that the vast majority of Muslims who live here and of course in their own homelands would like to see Western societies subsumed and stripped of their Christian and secular base beliefs and have them replaced by Muslim ones(tolerance is not a modern day Muslim practice even though in it's early days it was).

  8. A Guardian piece for the Guardian readership (such as it is now), this is part of a comment there, there really is no hope with that mindset.
    Muslims are frightened of their values being superseded by Liberal Western values.

  9. Antisthenes; A radical moslem will cut off your head because you are not a camel shagger. A moderate moslem will want him to, and clap and cheer when he does.

    And, bye the way, it is MOSLEM. NOT Muslem;

    XX Why Do People Say Muslim Now Instead of Moslem?
    by Yii-Ann Christine Chen, Originally published 7-8-02
    Ms. Chen was a student at the University of Washington and an intern at HNN when this article was published.
    Is it Muslim or Moslem?
    When Baby Boomers were children it was Moslem. The American Heritage Dictionary (1992) noted,”Moslem is the form predominantly preferred in journalism and popular usage. Muslim is preferred by scholars and by English-speaking adherents of Islam.” No more. Now, almost everybody uses Muslim.
    According to the Center for Nonproliferation Studies,”Moslem and Muslim are basically two different spellings for the same word.” But the seemingly arbitrary choice of spellings is a sensitive subject for many followers of Islam. Whereas for most English speakers, the two words are synonymous in meaning, the Arabic roots of the two words are very different. A Muslim in Arabic means”one who gives himself to God,” and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means”one who is evil and unjust” when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z.
    For others, this spelling differentiation is merely a linguistic matter, with the two spellings a result of variation in transliteration methods. Both Moslem and Muslim are used as nouns. But some writers use Moslem when the word is employed as an adjective.
    Journalists switched to Muslim from Moslem in recent years under pressure from Islamic groups. But the use of the word Moslem has not entirely ceased. Established institutions which used the older form of the name have been reluctant to change. The American Moslem Foundation is still the American Moslem Foundation (much as the NAACP is still the NAACP–the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). The journal The Moslem World–published by the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut–is still The Moslem World.XX

    If nothing else, it annoys the SHIT out of the bastards!

  10. Bunny

    British Muslims? For God's sake who does this cretin since he's talking about.

  11. They're just like us except I have to take my flip-up motorcycle helmet completely off to fill up with fuel in many places,

    I don't and never have. That's the whole point of the flip-front helmet.

  12. And yet Grasshopper likey-lookey the Dalai Lama is feted for wanting the Chinese out of Tibet.

    Leftism. It's a form of mental illness.

  13. Bunny

    Wasn't the Velvet Revolution the Czechs and the Slovaks, this cretin can't even get his 20th Century end of Communism protests right.

  14. @LongRider

    Depends on where you go. I've had quite a few petrol stations refuse me, even with the front flipped up. Mainly around East London.

    As long as I'm not really low on fuel, I just ask the TomTom for a new location and move on, but it still winds me up.

  15. This is no longer Great Britain but Hotel UK. Come one come all, check in and don't mind the noise or the smells from the room next door, soon we will all be one under the multi-cultural sun.

  16. I can't believe how racist those comments are. Yes our country is flooded with muslims who take our jobs, marry our wifes and open up shops where they sell the food they like, we must do something against it. Because otherwise our country will be in ruins soon and we will be running around praying to Allah.

    We are only white, what does that even mean? If we had 20 million Norwegians in our country who eat salmon and caviar and run around naked which characteristic would we condem then? Long noses, blond hair?

    Reading all this I feel embarassed to be white as you dismissive everything that our values stand for.

  17. Anon

    “If we had 20 million Norwegians .... would we condem then”

    Yes we would if they espoused views, and acted consistently, antithetical to the beliefs, laws and commonly accepted 'civilised' behaviour in this country. If a sizeable percentage actively committed atrocities whilst the 'moderate' majority openly, not only applauded, but supported the actions/behaviour of the 'radical' types. (25% of 'British' moslems believe that the actions of 7/7 were justified, that's 25% who are happy enough to admit that to a pollster in pubic).

    If those Norwegians were raping, grooming, murdering, beheading, attacking jews, gays or anyone not Norwegian, mutilating girls/women when they're not beating or stoning them, whilst demanding special treatment, benefits and a separate legal framework ….

    And a little wake-up call (for one who has obviously been indoctrinated) 'islam is not a race'! (notice how there aren't any 'complaints' about all those Indians, Chinese, etc.?)

    'We' aren't 'islamaphobes' or 'racists', you are an alethophobe!

  18. I am amazed that no one has pointed out that Hitler liked Islam. Churchill didn't, in fact he called Mein Kemp the new Koran.

  19. "Muslim British? Surely British Muslim?"

    No, that's clearly the priority for most...

    "Even if the arsehole writing the article does not say as much, his intent to somehow link it is obvious."

    Yup! That's the whole reason for writing the article.

    "FUCK knows what the arsehole camel fuckers will be like when they get to 30, 40 or even 51% of the population!"

    I don't think we'll have to wait long...

  20. "Muslim British? Surely British Muslim?"

    No, that's clearly the priority for most...

    "Even if the arsehole writing the article does not say as much, his intent to somehow link it is obvious."

    Yup! That's the whole reason for writing the article.

    "FUCK knows what the arsehole camel fuckers will be like when they get to 30, 40 or even 51% of the population!"

    I don't think we'll have to wait long...

  21. "I suggest that he wander around with a big sign with the words 'I Submit' on it."

    It'd make the subtext a lot clearer for those who eschew education... ;)

    "I have a deep suspicion that the vast majority of Muslims living in the West although not participating in violent acts do not disapprove of those who do. "

    That's what's at the heart of the whipped up fears of 'a backlash against Muslims', really. Isn't it?

    "Leftism. It's a form of mental illness."

    I have to agree.

  22. "Reading all this I feel embarassed to be white as you dismissive everything that our values stand for."

    I wasn't aware 'our values' stood for passivity in the face of cultural suicide and the erosion of our rights...
