Wednesday 11 February 2015

A Telling Line…

Aditya Chakraborty gets out an onion for the deprived:
Norris Green falls among the most deprived places in England but, with greenery, wide roads and new houses going up, it doesn’t look bad at all. Gazing out of his windscreen, Barry Kushner, a local councillor, set me straight: around half these households were now in temporary work, he reckoned; the launch of the bedroom tax had caused mayhem for residents; there was a two-month wait for appointments at the local Citizens Advice bureau. Along this neat terraced street was a row of front rooms where parents were fretting over how to pay off the Christmas they’d just given their kids.
The idea that they shouldn’t spend money they don’t have on things they don’t need being too much to cope with, I suppose?


  1. And having kids they can't afford.

  2. What is this 'bedroom tax' and just how much does it cost each householder?

    Or is it something the loony left attaches to dole wallahs and baby factory single mums that are currently living in accommodation way above their needs and have accordingly had some of the money we give them cut back? If the latter then the money should be cut back even further, after all why should working people pay for them to live in better accommodation than they can afford?

  3. I used to go out with a scouse lass. She was a bit mental, but her parents were lovely. They lived in a fairly nice bit and used to talk up the city, but most of the area was a shithole run by violent criminals. Wonder what it's like now.

  4. "...The idea that they shouldn’t spend money they don’t have on things they don’t need..."

    Spend money???

    In Liverpool???

    What a novel idea, but it'll never catch on, I'll warrant.

  5. Spending in Liverpool goes something like;

    Me mum used to give us 3 quid to go shopping, we got 5lb of spuds, half a pound of beef, two pints of milk, six eggs, two loaves of mothers pride, and a pound of bulls eyes.

    You can not do that today. Too many security cameras.

  6. "And having kids they can't afford."

    Someone else will feed them. Innit?

    "...why should working people pay for them to live in better accommodation than they can afford?"

    Spot on!

    "You can not do that today. Too many security cameras."

