Wednesday 18 February 2015

And Clearly, You Still Are...

'Calorie intake wasn't explained to me. I was seven, I was a child.'
The words of 17 stone 15 year old Brooke Walker, who went on breakfast TV to demand a gastric band operation. Because she 'can't diet', it 'doesn't work'.
She said: 'When I was younger I would eat chips, pizza, fast food stuff. Curry cheesy chips, I would have them a lot.
'I wasn't going out and burning off the food I ate. Calorie intake wasn't explained to me. I was seven, I was a child.
'Now, it's completely different. I have breakfast lunch and dinner - and small portions.
'Now I would have cereal for breakfast, lunch, a soup or sandwich - it depends each day.' it not working, then?
Brooke has since moved in with her grandmother, who encouraged healthy eating, exercise and smaller portion sizes.
After this change in lifestyle she was losing weight and enjoyed the feeling, so started skipping entire meals to see a quicker result. She said: 'I noticed the weight coming off me. I started lose more weight when I missed meals.
'I stopped eating breakfast. I stopped eating lunch at school because I didn't like eating in front of people. I was worried about what people were saying.'
Wow! That's great! So.....why on earth do you want a gastric band op?
After years of embarrassment, gastric band operation would allow her to live normally and enjoy her twenties.
She said: 'If I get a gastric band, it's not a quick fix.
'It'll be beneficial in the long run, because the weight is coming off you so you can watch what you're eating.
'Also, soon I'll start to like the way I look and I'll feel confident enough so I'll start feel comfortable going out in public by myself and make friends.' just said that the weight is coming off you?

Naturally, Tam Fry is quick to get climb aboard this bandwagon:
He said he agreed Brooke should be given the gastric band operation on the NHS, saying it could be 'the game changer' for her.
He said: 'The operation should be the last resort. You should go through the healthy lifestyle steps first. But for people like Brooke, who have been through that, it's got to be the operation by choice.'
Aha! There you have it - choice. Whatever she says, it is a 'quick fix'. Because today's youth have never heard the term 'deferred gratification', much less practiced it...


  1. 'When I was younger [presumably meaning when she was a dependent child] I would eat...'
    Before I had my own source of income I ate what my parents provided. When were children awarded autonomy? Has active parenting completely disappeared?

  2. Deferred gratification doesn't compute for them. Why, I can wait at least ten minutes for the next Drambuie.

  3. "Dieting doesn't work"

    Well no, not if you lack willpower or a modicum of intelligence. But it's so simple even Porker-Brooke could understand it: consume fewer calories than your body burns and you lose weight. Duh!

  4. XX He said he agreed Brooke should be given the gastric band operation on the NHS, saying it could be 'the game changer' for her. XX

    Na, "GAME CHANGED!", you get down to a reasonable weight, WORK bitch, and pay it back!

    NOT working, and/or saying "No" to pay back, is NOT an option.

    THAT should be what is on offer.

  5. "Before I had my own source of income I ate what my parents provided."

    Me too.

    And I don't recall being asked (on shopping trips) what I'd want for dinner, as I see so many parents do these days. I ate what was cooked, or went hungry!

    "Deferred gratification doesn't compute for them. Why, I can wait at least ten minutes for the next Drambuie."


    "But it's so simple even Porker-Brooke could understand it: consume fewer calories than your body burns and you lose weight. Duh!"

    Simple, yes. Nut requires willpower.

    "THAT should be what is on offer."

    Spot on!
