Wednesday 18 February 2015

Dangerous Out Of Control Bitch At Large...

The owner of the large dog said she was unable to call for an ambulance due to her phone battery being dead, and left the woman until she was found hours later by another dog walker.
While appealing for witnesses and information, Guildford police officers were contacted by another victim, Vicky Clark, who had sustained a break to her lower leg and foot two weeks beforehand.
The 37-year-old from Ash said: “I thought it was a freak accident until I saw the same thing had happened to another woman.
“It just came hurtling towards me,” she said. “It knocked me flying and kept running round me.
I called out to the owner. She said ‘I am not sure what I can do’ and I said you can call your dog off and then she whistled for it and just walked off. The owner was not apologetic, you would at least grab your dog.”
You'd do so if you were a decent human being, yes.


  1. Read the headline and thought you were on about Harriet Harman! Oh well, another example of Clarkson's Law being appropriate.

  2. My thought regarding the headline was that it was describing a baby factory lout.
