Thursday 12 February 2015

I Really Can’t Blame Him…

…by now, it must be like throwing a sausage down Oxford Street:
A mother dubbed the "baby-machine" has claimed her cheating husband has walked out on her as she expects her 12th child.
She told the Sunday People: "He’s been unfaithful more than ten times. Things went wrong quite early on. Two weeks before we got married he was cheating."
Maybe that was a clue that not marrying him might be a good idea? Just a thought…
Mrs Prudham also revealed on Facebook the sex of her baby, saying: "I'm having a GIRL!!" which was greeted with congratulations.
She then added her eighth girl will have a double-barrelled name, saying: "I want a double barrel name, first name needs to begin with L like my Lexi-Rose, Lacey-May and Lainey-girl."
Thereby ensuring that the poor little sods are indelibly marked as the spawn of the underclass. That’s some great mothering there.


  1. This bunch of DNA wasting tax payer funded parasites have been allowing readers of the Newsshopper and the DAily MAil to up their HBP meds for a while now. All bollocks, she and her litter and some feckles new 'man' will soon be having a purpose built 16 bedroom 10 bathroom house built for them thanks to the council tax payers of gravesham and going on holiday to Lanzagrotty.

  2. I'm intrigued by the fact that it's 'the government's fault I've had so many children - it's too easy to claim benefits...'
    An admission that her motivation to have children is entirely down to the benefits she can claim should be, to my mind at least, sufficient to have them removed. And I like the total abrogation of responsibility for herself too - 'I would have used a condom but the government was tempting me with an extra few grand a year so we decided to go bareback...' And only 32 as well! Still some prime breeding years left in this one yet... She might be able to get to 20 if the government keeps making it soooooo easy for her!

  3. I currently work for a Housing Association in the SE. There is a significant proportion of people who really do believe that it is the governments place to supply them with a bigger house if they keep spawning. The numbers on FULL housing benefit would make your eyes water. All out of your council tax. It's a fucking disgrace, this creature needs to be sterilised, as do her offspring because this is all they know - this is their value system.

  4. How long before they outbreed us? the people who should be having children, stable couples who work hard, save for a home before having them and raise them properly can't afford more than two at most. Can't be doing much for the gene pool either.

  5. It's not just the workless entitlement-heavy family environment that will shaft these children, it's the chavtastic names. Just before the birth of our turbulent wonder my wife vetoed approx 85% of my choice of second abd third names and declared, 'there shall be no Percivals, Morris's, Albert's, Algernon's Arthur's, Edwin's Eugene's or Austin's' but when I see chav names like 'Lainey-girl' it makes my initial choices of names look relatively sane.

    One of the great tragedies of the welfare state is the creation of ponces like the family featured in this story. Although I'm sure such an outcome was not intended, the welfare state has helped to create women who refuse to check men out throughougly before having childrenwith them and has empowered men to act with as much sexual irresponsibility as they can get away with.

    It's the same story with support for single parents a policy intended to help a relatively small number of women who were single parents because of spousal abuse, widowhood or abandonment has ended up creating a much larger cohort of single parents who have chosen to be that way bcasue they know some mug taxpayer will fund their choice to be parents.

  6. @Carol 42

    There's the age factor too; if young LadyShave and her siblings follow their mother's example of 'breed early and breed often' there will be hundreds of them by the time less prolific families have completed one generation.

    In a century, without natural predators, they will have completely exhausted the available resources and created a barren wasteland (or is that rabbits?)

  7. Welcome to the brave new world of Harriet Harman and the result of all those policies aimed at freeing women from financial dependency on their husbands - a man working to support his wife and infant children? How dare he act in such an oppressive manner!

    Under the tax credit system, in the early years at least, the benefits of having another child can easily outweigh the costs. New Labour's Marxism in action - taking as much tax from us as possible and returning it the form of wide-ranging benefits - turns out to have been as misguided as the original idea of the welfare state as a safety net of last resort; what did they think was going to happen?

    Part of the problem is surely that the primary architects of the system all along have had almost no knowledge of how the other half thinks:

    'Harman was born ... at 108 Harley Street in London, to Anna Harman, a solicitor, married to a Harley Street physician John Bishop Harman. Her aunt was Elizabeth Pakenham, Countess of Longford....Harman is a great grand-daughter of Joseph Chamberlain.

    Harman attended a fee-paying public school, St Paul's Girls' School and then gained a BA in Politics from the University of York.'

  8. "An admission that her motivation to have children is entirely down to the benefits she can claim should be, to my mind at least, sufficient to have them removed. "


    "The numbers on FULL housing benefit would make your eyes water. All out of your council tax. It's a fucking disgrace..."

    Quite literally...!

    "the people who should be having children, stable couples who work hard, save for a home before having them and raise them properly can't afford more than two at most."

    It's a recipe for disaster. We are awarding grants for the breeding of morlocks, and us eloi are picking up the tab...

    "...but when I see chav names like 'Lainey-girl' it makes my initial choices of names look relatively sane. "

    Often to be seen in obits and court reports, as much as in school registers.

  9. "... if young LadyShave and her siblings follow their mother's example of 'breed early and breed often'..."

    And they usually do.

    "Welcome to the brave new world of Harriet Harman and the result of all those policies aimed at freeing women from financial dependency on their husbands..."

    Worked well, didn't it? My generation's mores now seem as quaint and old-fashioned as an episode of 'Downton'..
