Tuesday 24 February 2015

No Humans Involved…

A drug dealer has been found guilty of murdering a young father in a flat in Braintree.
Michael’s death devastated his family. In a statement issued shortly after he died, his family said: "Michael was a new father, a son, a brother and a good friend who had his whole life ahead of him. He had just got a new job and had a lovely new home with his partner and new son, Eli.
"He was loved by many and helped people when he could. He used to bring in young homeless children to spend Christmas with his family to make them feel a part of this world again and bring hope into their lives.
"May his humble soul rest in peace."
How awful! The man sounds like a saint. What a terrible loss this must be!
The three week trial had heard that Eva and Haastrup were rivals
Rivals, eh..? Over a woman?

Speaking after the verdict, (Det Chief Insp) Hall said: "I welcome this guilty verdict to give some peace to Michael’s family and friends. Michael was a young man who had just become a father. His life was cut short by the actions of Luke Eva on that night in Braintree."
Jesus Christ, I know the police have to parrot politically-correct crap, but do they really need to go the extra distance for a ‘victim’ whose life was cut short not so much by the actions of his killer as by his own?
The court heard James McGowan, 25, and Mr Haastrup were at the flat to buy cannabis when Eva arrived, went into a bedroom with the flat’s occupant, Colin Cornelius, and emerged saying a deal had been done.
Eva, Mr Haastrup and Mr McGowan then fought, leaving Mr McGowan with a broken nose and a bloody jaw. At one point, Mr McGowan claimed Eva was holding a knife in an “aggressive manner” while Mr Haastrup had a hammer in a “defensive position”.
Mr McGowan escaped from the flat and Mr Haastrup followed shortly afterwards, where he used a hammer to smash windows on Mr Cornelius’ car.
During the trial, neighbour Abigail Pollard said she called police after hearing a commotion and saw Mr Haastrup standing by the door of a flat shouting “you are going to die.”
I can’t seem to find it in me to shed any tears for either of them.


  1. Sweet, sweet, choir boys, no doubt. At least now he will be saved from being buggered by the vicar- or will he? Lot of it about you know. I've read the newspapers about Sir Jimmy Savile.

  2. XX had his whole life ahead of him.XX

    What a stupif phrase.

    It means nothing.

    Some one who snuffs it at 10:00 today still had their whole life ahead of them at 09:00.

  3. "Sweet, sweet, choir boys, no doubt."

    In the angelic choir now, or maybe not...

    "Some one who snuffs it at 10:00 today still had their whole life ahead of them at 09:00."

    Indeed! Just a phrase trotted out to make us think better of a drug dealer.
