Saturday 21 February 2015

Senior Police Officers Like Mike Barton Are The Problem, Not The Solution…

Drug addicts are not bad people and should be given support and treatment rather than regarded as criminals, one of the country’s most senior police officers has said.
Great! I suppose after that, we’ll dish out free beer to alcoholics and free goods to shoplifters?

I don’t think I would like to dwell on what we might dish out to sex maniacs…

So who does this barmy old git think the police should be arresting?
“The police should continue to tackle drug dealers and other criminals.”
Odd. There are calls to criminalise the users of prostitutes elsewhere rather than the suppliers of such services, yet he wants the suppliers of this particular ‘service’ criminalised rather than the buyers.

Can’t we get some joined up thinking?

Or even some thinking. It’d be a start.


  1. Joined up thinking is unhelpful if you want to divide the world in bad oppressors and victims based on identity politics groupings of sex, race, class etc.

  2. "...I don’t think I would like to dwell on what we might dish out to sex maniacs…"

    Might I suggest a wrist-brace?

  3. If you remove the source you, eventually, remove the disease is one of the basic mantras of crime reduction. Unfortunately, pure mathematics doesn't always fit in with human nature. People arrested for possession would often accept legal judgment than identify their supplier. Whether this is out of fear of criminal retribution or a misplaced sense of loyalty only a psychiatrist could answer. American states have experimented with the possessor threatened with the maximum sentence unless they gave the name of the dealer, with varying levels of success. The Chinese put them all before a firing squad (and send the families the bill for the bullets) but China still has a massive drug problem. Other countries have the death penalty but still have a problem. The answer seems to be is that whatever anyone does, many of us are f*cked.

  4. "...if you want to divide the world in bad oppressors and victims based on identity politics ..."

    Spot on!

    "Might I suggest a wrist-brace?"


    "The answer seems to be is that whatever anyone does, many of us are f*cked."

    Yes, indeed. Shouldn't we stop banging our heads against the wall trying to prevent this, and instead, concentrate on the winners in life?
