Thursday 26 February 2015

Wonder No Longer At The Discipline Problems In Schools…

District Judge Vanessa Baraitser found Miss Itauma not guilty of common assault, saying she could not know how hard Itauma held the boy’s arm, or if he threw himself on the floor.
She said: “You did act with good intentions… I have no doubt you took hold of him not as an act of aggression but to stop him going back to the fight.
“I find the case against you not proved and dismiss the charges against you. I find you not guilty.”
Someone else should be in the dock, though:
Speaking after the verdict, Itauma branded the trial a “complete waste of time and money” and said the resources spent on the case should have gone to helping the nine-year-old.
She told the Advertiser: “He needs a lot of help and he hasn’t been given that help, and I have been scapegoated because the school can’t deal with him.
“He [the pupil] has had no consequences. When he is 18 and smacking people over the head with chairs he will go to prison. We haven’t taught him anything.”
Well, you’ve taught him that not only are there no consequences for him, the system will come down like the wrath of god on anyone trying to stop him, so there’s that…
Itauma said the school initially called the police, but have only brought a case which has “exposed their failings” .
“I feel very let down by them,” she said.
“If he [the headteacher] got out of his office he would have known what was happening.
“I’m a newly qualified teacher it would have been okay if they had given the things they promised.
“Most of the time it’s me and the teaching assistant in the class. It’s all nice for everybody to get involved afterwards but then it was just me. Where was everybody then?”
A very good question.

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