Friday 13 February 2015

Yes, Sgt Madden, There’s A Right Side & A Wrong Side…

…nice to see which one you’re on:
"I had been told it was a cut and dry case. But it was so sad - I could not believe what was happening.
"It is like the victim becomes the accuser. I was shocked - I did not think I could lose the case. How can I be wrong?"
Because our justice system is broken, magistrates couldn’t care less that a known vicious dog is now free to wander local parks they’d never dream of going in themselves, and the police couldn’t care less about this, so long as their ‘resources’ aren’t touched:
Sergeant Peter Madden, who leads the Met's Status Dogs Unit, said police in London had seen a 20 per cent rise in the number of dangerous dogs seized in the capital last year. He said he expected his unit to spend all of its two million pound budget assigned by Scotland Yard this year.
Commenting on Mr Cumberbatch's case, he said: "If a dog attacks another dog in a park, then the Dangerous Dogs Act would not be relevant legislation.
"The court can order than the dog be put under better control. They can order for the dog to be destroyed.
"But with any court process, there are two sides to the story."
A man’s beloved pet is killed, the dog that did it is free (to do it again), no-one’s been held to account for it and you seem utterly blasé about that state of affairs?


  1. XX A man’s beloved pet is killed, the dog that did it is free (to do it again), no-one’s been held to account for it and you seem utterly blasé about that state of affairs?XX

    He can only do what the law allows him to do.

    What do you find hard to understand by; XX If a dog attacks another dog in a park, then the Dangerous Dogs Act would not be relevant legislation.XX ??

    Or are you suggesting they should as in "Magnum force" go out in a gang and take the bastards out in their spare time?

    You can only work with the tools given, and the tools in this case are/is the law.

    If the law says XYZ, you can NOT do ABC.

    get over it, or change the law.

  2. I own three Maltese dogs. Let's face it, they are crap hounds, but much loved. If any dog hurt any of my dogs, I wouldn't hurt the dog, just the owner.

  3. Flax, once again you're right. There are very, very few 'bad' dogs.

    Unfortunately, there are many, many 'bad' owners.

  4. "He can only do what the law allows him to do."

    He can do a lot more with the existing law. He just can't be bothered to put in the hard work.

    "Unfortunately, there are many, many 'bad' owners."

    Because there are no consequences.
