Saturday 21 March 2015

And The Snooper’s Charter Rolls On And On And On…

The joint Haringey Council, Haringey Borough Police and Haringey Local Safeguarding Children’s Board campaign “say something if you see something” calls on the business community to lookout for the warning signs of child sexual exploitation.
Why do you feel they need this?

If I recall correctly, it was members of the ‘business community’ (a taxi driver and childminder) who raised the alarm in the notorious Victoria Climbie case, was it not? While those highly paid agents of the state sidestepped, avoided and suppressed the issues?

But this is just another council hastily DOING SOMETHING about a social problem without mentioning, much less targeting, the most likely perpetrators of that problem,,,
Business premises, care homes and those working in leisure and licensed premises will be given information to help them recognise scenarios which should raise concerns and give them advice on what action should be taken if they suspect a child is at risk.
Examples of signs to look out for include young people being picked up and taken to hotels, particularly at odd times of the day and night.
So single fathers booking in with their child will get the third degree now? Seriously?

Do you not realise that vastly increasing the noise to signal ratio – all the while you plead ‘lack of resources’ – is a recipe for disaster?
DI Sharon Freeman-Woods of Haringey CID said: "It is essential that not only police and partners, but also the wider community, are alert to the warning signs. CSE is a hidden crime and this initiative will help us raise awareness within a vital group - those who witness all manner of scenarios on a daily basis.”
You mean, like police used to do, back when they walked a beat and got to know their neighbourhood?

When they adhered to Peelian principles and expected everyone to obey the law of the land, no matter which identity group they belonged to?


  1. When you post a link to the Daily Mail- especially Littlejohn-then I think you lose the moral high ground Julia.
    Walking the beat is just not efficient for so many reasons,i'm sure all those harking back to the 1950's will shout me down.I'm not sure even Robert Peel predicted how his country would get taken over by scum when he published his list of principles.

  2. Sorry Jaded, but on this one the "Inefficiencies of walking the beat" just don't cut it. The local "Sharia patrol" (2 of our Asian 'there's that word again' brethren in high vis jackets and police issue trousers) seem to have had made a noticeable difference in the reduction of unruly fucktards hanging around on street corners.

    Be interested to know who is actually funding this..

  3. Jaded, for once I have to disagree with you. Visible and effective patrol would solve much but this country, the various governments over the past 30 − 40 years don't want to. Zero Tolerance back in the late 80s and early 90's was an opportunity missed. What we got was the lefty Bramshillian bollocks of POP, problem oriented poling, in other words targets and a withdrawal of the traditional policing from British streets. In addition the CPS model is the biggest fail of all. Envisaged along US style 'DA' models they legal 'profession' insisted on independence from the police. Hpw is this even possible if you want an effective prosecuting wing?
    Then the judiciary and the the lower courts who again steadfastly permit shyster lawyers to triumph with 'loopholes' instead of invoking the clear 'spirit' of the ;aw as drafted and let's not forget the madness that is the ECHR and the laws which allow people who hate the UK to live here, with families who also hate us, on benefits committing crime and terrorism. An effective street presence would ultimately fail. Read neil Darbyshire's excellent article 'PCs Gone Bad' to see where the real corruption now lies and how the British Police Service is doomed.

  4. Plus...All that bollocks from DI non aristocratic Double- Barrelled name re child abuse is another example of busy doing nothing! Time to get a grip on policing, stop policing the world and chucking millions down the drain to satisfy powerful interest groups and those who emrace 'victimhood' as peter Fahy said - the one thing he has said that I have ever agreed with.

  5. The prospect of walking anywhere is sure to set Jaded's podgy fingers trembling. Public 'service' jobs with the opportunity to gripe for the entire shift whilst seated on a heated commode, are the last word in occupational surrealism.

  6. Thanks for your kind words Melvin,well I think they are kind as I haven't got them translated yet.I do walk the mean streets of South London quite often,I just don't think it's very effective.

  7. Melv - do you ever change out of your stained dressing gown and jim jams as you slither from the toilet to your workstation - or is that the only other exercise you get?

  8. "When you post a link to the Daily Mail- especially Littlejohn-then I think you lose the moral high ground Julia."

    Why? Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, Jaded...

    " Read neil Darbyshire's excellent article 'PCs Gone Bad' to see where the real corruption now lies and how the British Police Service is doomed."

    That is indeed an excellent link to bookmark!

    "...stop policing the world and chucking millions down the drain to satisfy powerful interest groups and those who emrace 'victimhood' ..."

