Monday 16 March 2015

Have You Just Admitted To The Local Press You Don’t Know Your Job?

Carlie Norbury, one of the managers at the pub, said staff acted in line with pub policy to accept only passports and driving licences.
She said that policy was in line with what they understood to be authorities’ advice, but had reviewed matters in light of the incident.
She said: “Since this happened we have been looking into it just to know exactly what the law is.
I think in the past it was not acceptable but I think it is now. This should not be a problem now.”
Not now you’ve shown yourself up as clueless about the law, no, I suppose it won’t. I bet a lot of other things suddenly become problems, though...


  1. I think it would be a hoot if a shed load of squadrons went in and proffered their military I'D cards as proof of age - and then walk out, as happened in Guildford in the early 70's. That's one pub which is going to lose quite a bit of custom.

  2. Because both of them are SO obviously under the drinking age.... right?

  3. "An' it's Tommy this an' Tommy that"

  4. "I think it would be a hoot if a shed load of squadrons went in and proffered their military I'D cards as proof of age - and then walk out, as happened in Guildford in the early 70's. "

    Do it often enough, they get the message!

    ""An' it's Tommy this an' Tommy that""

    How true.. :/
