Friday 13 March 2015

”I fear the British heart has turned to ice and now not even God can melt it.”

So quoth Yasmin Alibhai Brown, who surely prays to a very different ‘god’ than most of the British would recognise.

And her issue? Well, what else?
Few Britons know much about the 12 detention centres where migrants and asylum-seekers are held until deported. Even fewer care about what happens there. The poor in our country get little pity or understanding. And foreigners who desperately need our help are seen as a threat, a silent enemy.
Hardly surprising, is it? Look how so many of them turn out.
If this were Zimbabwe or Congo or Syria, Britons would be horrified and vocal. But when the violated from those same countries come to us, outrage is replaced by paranoia: “If we show them kindness, attend to their suffering, give them basic rights, think of the millions who will rush in. How then will we cope?” That must be the psychological defence which comes into play, and I do, in part, sympathise. But remember this: we take hardly any refugees in this country.
Given how you turned out, clearly we’re right not to take more…


  1. Vile woman, hates the very people that took her in.

  2. Your last statement is spot on.

    Seeing just how much of an ungrateful cow and a racist YAB turned out, why on earth do we want any more?

  3. TBF JAB is unlike most other Ugandan expellees who put their entrepreneurial talents to good use, instilled a hardwork ethic in their children and have done spectacularly better than refugees from Somalia for instance, perhaps because they were colonisers bringing trade and prosperity to the country which uprooted them. JAB enjoys the freedom to be a moralising pain in the arse on the back of her English education and ethnic credentials.

  4. "Few Britons know much about the 12 detention centres... Even fewer care about what happens there"

    Now I've read this, the number of people who know about the detention centres has increased by one.

    The number of people who care, has not.

  5. Ahhh. African refugees.

    It has been noticed, and ever increasingly commented on, her, that it only appears to be men of fighting age that seem to be getting persecuted.

    Where are all the women and bastards?

    Boats full to the gunnels, and beyond escaping war zones in Africa, yet they leave their familys behind,????

    How altruistic, and brave of them.

  6. Your comment is spot on Julia!

  7. You know when you were a child, and you loved ice cream?

    Then one fateful day, you had too much, and you declared that you never wanted it again.

    It is the same experience here with foreigners. We allow a few in, then the next thing we know, they are agitating for us to accept the toothless starving millions from across the globe.

    It doesn't bother YAB that the food to feed these people is snatched from our tables, or that we pay for their housing. She is, in my mind, no better than a white supremacist, thinking that the white man can do it all.

    I wish that she would put more pressure on entrepreneurs and billionaires of colour to help their fellow men.

  8. Also from the article: As Jolie says, “refugees are the bravest people I know”. They leave behind parents, friends, even children. 'Brave' isn't quite the first word that comes to my mind.

    Remember the uproar caused by the impending arrival of the Ugandan and Kenyan Asians back in the early 70s? The total number to come was around 30,000 I believe. Today we have UKIP advocating 50,000 as an acceptable number of annual immigrants.

  9. Yea, we don't give a shit. Return the lot to Crapland with alacrity. The world is indeed a cess pit and we don't need the dross which slimes out of it. Send us your scientist and doctors and....

  10. I fear the British heart has turned to ice.....

    It was bloody red nose day yesterday for crying out loud,....custard baths for Sainsburys staff and all that fun.


  11. XX Flaxen Saxon said...
    Send us your scientist and doctors and....XX

    Aye. As a job on the side I give a few lessons per week in one of these "intergration courses," in German history, law and culture.

    We have doctors and dentists and all that kind of thing from these crap holes, wanting to be the same here.

    ONE (among many) examples, was a proffessor/teacher of dentistry in a medical school in Afghanistan.

    His German was passable for the job, but....!

    He went to get his qualifications confirmed by the Charité hospital, here in Berlin. He barely.... BARELY qualified as a dental nurse!

    Rocket scientists?

    There are 13 year olds running around on Guy fawkes night with more knowledge of rocketry that thes dumb fucks!

  12. Ragnar von Puke14 March 2015 at 11:51

    XX He barely.... BARELY qualified as a dental nurse!XX

    On the subject of qualifications, anyone who failed to 'graduate' as a policeman will carry a weighty chip.

  13. "Graduate as a policemen???"

    You are letting your mental incapacity show through arsehole.

    I managed it fine, thank you, and although in a different force, and different country, am STILL nicking arseholes like you.

    So.... go away and ply with nurse, or your purple crayons, or whatever imbiciles do these days to amuse themselves.
    And who the FUCK is "Ragnar?????"

  14. FT - it seems you have bitten on a hook dangled by the self-styled King of the Internet called MTG.

  15. Jaded.... Aye. Thats what comes after a 56 hour shift. (Aye we slept here and there, but nothing beats your own bed.) And then you can nor sleep. Bastards!!!

    Caught me off guard.

    Suffice to say, the bastards does not even know my real name, so.... :-D

  16. I saw the name and just thought I'd comment - what an utterly horrible bitych this creature is! I wish she would just fuck off and die!

  17. "TBF JAB is unlike most other Ugandan expellees who put their entrepreneurial talents to good use..."

    Indeed. If only we had some way of weeding them out...

    "Now I've read this, the number of people who know about the detention centres has increased by one.

    The number of people who care, has not."

    Spot on!

    " only appears to be men of fighting age that seem to be getting persecuted."

    A phenomenon noticed here during the Kosovo contretemps...

  18. "It is the same experience here with foreigners."


    But a month or so of no dessert, and suddenly you crave a raspberry ripple. I hope that doesn't hold true here!

    " 'Brave' isn't quite the first word that comes to my mind."

    Nor mine...

    "He barely.... BARELY qualified as a dental nurse!"

    That explains why so many of these people are on the run from their professional standards bodies here!
