Monday 23 March 2015

What Is It You Don’t Understand About Supply And Demand?

A foodbank claims it is short of supplies after seeing a surge in families needing help over halfterm.
‘Needing help’ translating as ‘Waaah! I have to feed my kids now? I was relying on the school to do it! How am I going to buy my fags now?’
Cass Francis, warehouse co-ordinator for the charity, said: “We are running out of things like tinned pies and fish, carrots, sweetcorn and pasta sauce. We’re also getting low on nice things like sugar and tinned custard and puddings, chocolates, crisps and treats.
“Over half-term we had more families than usual, but that’s to be expected as children aren’t having school meals.
“We’ve seen a gentle increase in demand as we open more distribution centres from Tuesday to Saturday across the borough. The more places we open, the more food we are able to give. ”
Gosh, it’s astonishing how that happens, isn’t it?

“It’s a shame, in a country which is so affluent, we have people who have to turn to foodbanks.”
Yes, it’s a shame that in a land stocked with natural prey, we have animals that would rather scavenge crisps & pizza.

That’s why we discourage it.


  1. The Blocked Dwarf23 March 2015 at 14:31

    "We’re also getting low on nice things like sugar and tinned custard and puddings, chocolates, crisps and treats."

    *insert CIF hand wringing and DEMANDS something be done about these evil people giving out ADDICTIVE substances to the 'Cheeeeldren' for FREE* I mean, don't they know there is a child obesity CRISIS?!

  2. Ans how many of those "newbys" are called Must'afa'Wh'ank, and have been in country for less than two minutes?

  3. Food banks are for people who spent all their benefits on beer and fags...

  4. Couldn'tt we slip contraceptives into the food: stop the freeloaders from adding to their number?

    1. Kerching! What a brilliant idea. Vote for me and it will be done.

  5. Same bonkers thinking over the 'housing Crisis'. big rally in london last week, publicity campaigns, part leaders pretending to care, demands for Homes For Britons and everyone has a right to a home BLAH BLAH BLAH. How many are needed? 2 Million ! Could we reduce demand somehow? I think so, fucking great elephants roaming around the room and no one with power will point them out.

  6. "I mean, don't they know there is a child obesity CRISIS?!"


    "Couldn'tt we slip contraceptives into the food: stop the freeloaders from adding to their number?"

    Don't their personalities & hygiene do a good enough job..?

    " I think so, fucking great elephants roaming around the room and no one with power will point them out."

    Spot on! Everywhere I look there's building going on, rabbit-hutch houses. For whom?
