Saturday 4 April 2015

A More Accurate Headline Would Be....

..."Parents of disabled boy criticise hospital for failure to provide exact type of special bed they believe their son needs", wouldn't it?
Because the eight-year-old thrashes around in his sleep, his parents, Lynne and Stephen Neatis, from Preston, requested a protective high-sided bed to lay him down in.
The hospital offered a regular bed or alternative specialist models with one-to-one nursing, but Cody’s parents say this was not safe enough.


  1. Yes, let's spend £1000s (of someone else's money) for a bed that might only be used in a blue moon. If it was my child, I would have jumped at offer of the personal nurse who would have been better suited to deal with any emergencies than a high sided bed.

  2. They could actually get off their arse and look after their own child ......personal responsibility

  3. "If it was my child, I would have jumped at offer of the personal nurse who would have been better suited to deal with any emergencies than a high sided bed."

