Wednesday 8 April 2015

Gaming 1992: "Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis" (unknown brand 386)

LucasArts once briefly dominated the world of point n’ click adventure with their innovative SCUMM system, and this was a stand-out game.

Riding the coat-tails of the film series, and incorporating the humour that was to be a hallmark of many of their other series, it was a neat mix of almost ‘platform’ type action allied to the usual hunt-for-the-hot-spot & combine-random-objects tasks expected from this genre. You could forgive it the now tinny-sounding music and the sometimes infuriatingly complex and bizarre puzzles because it was so damned addictive.

Thanks to the thirst for nostalgia, it's currently available to play on Steam.


  1. Great game, still got it but it won't play on modern machinery.
    What about the bitmap brothers GODS.

  2. Damn you, a short trip to Steam and I've got the game downloading now. (Great memories of the Lucas Arts adventures but never played this one.)

  3. "Great game, still got it but it won't play on modern machinery."


    "Damn you, a short trip to Steam and I've got the game downloading now."

