Wednesday 1 April 2015

Just Not Much Of A Driver

The mum of a quad bike crash victim says her heart is breaking over the accident which has left him in a critical condition but says her baby is a 'fighter'.
Mr Ferrier struck two cars before being thrown from the quad bike and into a brick wall pillar where he sustained a head injury.
Luckily there was no-one in his path, eh?
On the Worcester News website she wrote: "I hope to god nothing like this ever happens to your loved one. Thankfully no other was injured but the only child that was hurt is my child. He was doing no wrong but yet I sit at his bedside praying he comes through this."
Oh, I think you’ll find he was indeed doing something wrong!


  1. Helicopter! ICU! The price of idiocy is high for the taxpayer even if he didn't damage anyone else.

  2. Orwell would have a field day with this.
    1. He's not your baby. He's 22, reached the old age of majority, can vote, marry join the armed forces, drink, open a bank account. If you consider him a baby that may be why he's riding an overgrown toy causing mayhem and thinking he's immune from consequences.

    2. He's not a victim he's a perpetrator.

    3. He may or may not be 'a fighter'. The ultimate ICU cliché. I've never met anyone who doesn't think their relative is 'a fighter'. They're hardly likely to say "No, he's a really beta animal. Very submissive, always skulks away from a battle". In this case he looks like he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag in that pussy baseball cap. The people doing the fighting for the unconscious wastrel are the medics using their skills to keep his physiology the right side of death.

  3. The comments are, as always, enlightening. References to drug dealing are alluded to, but my favourite comment so far is this one;

    "It may well be that Nick has been a bad boy (search "Nicholas Ferrier" on the WN site) and - as his mother said - is a "fighter" - the 60 year-old taxi driver found out. But he paid for this in prison in 2010. Cut him some slack and support his mum. Hopefully he will get through this and turn his life around."

  4. Interesting comments below that, especially at the very end.

    Ferrier has a long criminal record and took part in a nasty attack on a cab driver

    Attackers mocked taxi driver victim

    5:12pm Friday 26th February 2010

    A 60-year-old Worcester taxi driver was robbed of cash and beaten up after he picked up four youths in the early hours.

    Derek Ridout needed stitches in face cuts and had to have two teeth removed in hospital.

    He collected the £7 fare to take his passenges from the city centre to Warndon, but Nicholas Ferrier jumped out in Wheelwright Close and demanded the money back, said Alex Warren, prosecuting.

    He then punched Mr Ridout repeatedly in the face, grabbed a £10 note from a cashbox and stole a £200 sat nav.

    Police identified Ferrier from CCTV film which captured him at the taxi rank in The Cross. His fingerprints were on the cab's window.

    Ferrier, aged 17, of Astwood Road, Worcester, pleaded guilty to robbery. He was given 18 months detention.

    Recorder Anthony Lowe said the victim was in a vulnerable profession and lived in fear of a violent offence being repeated.

    Ferrier had built up an "unatttractive record" of 13 previous offences of assault, burglary and theft.

    The robbery happened on November 8 last year around 3am. Ferrier grabbed the taxi's ignition key and after demanding the fare wanted all Mr Ridout's money which he kept in a box under his seat, said Mr Warren.

    During a tussle the money fell into the car's footwell. Ferrier kicked Mr Ridout and released the handbrake, causing the cab to roll backwards.

    All the youths left the scene but returned to look for a dropped mobile phone, Worcester Crown Court heard.

    Ferrier began mocking the victim and asking him if he needed an ambulance.

    Defence counsel Andrew Davidson said he got into trouble through drink, drugs and mixing with the wrong peer group.

    While in custody on remand, his girlfriend had given birth to their child.

    Mr Davidson added: "Others were involved but he took the rap. He is deeply remorseful and accepts his responsibility."


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    And here are the quad bike rules.

    It is possible to drive a quad bike on the road providing these conditions are complied with.....

  5. From the comments, an interesting reminder that victimhood conquers all:

    "If you knew the extent of his injuries I don't think you would care about some minor road laws."

  6. Few things scream "chav" more resonantly than "riding quad bike in residential area."

  7. Is he now a QUADraplegic?

  8. It's always these fuckwit chavs who ride quad bikes on the road. Aside from farmers the rest who use them usually do so stupidly and dangerously - anti-socially in mewspeak. No sympathy with this waste of skin - hope he switches off soon and stops wasting MY money!

  9. "Helicopter! ICU! The price of idiocy is high for the taxpayer even if he didn't damage anyone else."

    Agreed... :/

    "If you consider him a baby that may be why he's riding an overgrown toy causing mayhem and thinking he's immune from consequences. "

    Spot on!

    "The comments are, as always, enlightening."

    These days, I actually pick up more useful info from them than the article.

    "Ferrier has a long criminal record ..."

    Don't they always..?

  10. "Is he now a QUADraplegic?"

