Friday 24 April 2015

Maybe Renaming The ‘Education Village’ Would Help..?

Jack Hunter, from Darlington, fell to his death through the asbestos roof at Darlington Auction Mart in August 1992.
His mother, Christine, said the death of Kyle Hull on Sunday, following his fall last Tuesday, brought back memories of her own bereavement. Mrs Hunter said: "I really feel for the family. I thought something was going to be done after what happened to Jack.
"You can't stop kids being kids, but I did think the market was going to be moved – it was supposedly on the cards when Jack died and it is still being talked about."
And if it was moved, wouldn’t they simply go mess around somewhere else?
Tributes have continued to pour in for 15-year-old Kyle, who was a student at the Education Village.
It clearly wasn’t teaching him much. Of course, the ‘something must be DONE!’ people are mounting their hobby-horses:
Peter Freitag, who is president of the Liberal Democrats in Darlington, also criticised officers at the borough council who he said had attempted to force councillors into a corner having opposed a new cattle mart development on the edge of the town.
“Unfortunately if you put temptations in people’s path they will often take them.
“Other tragedies could happen as well if nothing is done.” He added: “When I moved here in 1965 the cattle mart was an important part of the business of the town, but it isn’t anymore.
“At the moment it is just a bloody nuisance and dangerous.”
It must be nice to be so secure in your political position that you can freely label a business providing much-needed employment ‘a bloody nuisance’, mustn’t it?


  1. Please construct more such challenges. There are an awful lot of fools out there who need to remove themselves from the gene pool by failing to exercise common sense. Let's do it before they breed!

  2. Oh well another reason, along with a multitude of others, to not vote Lib Dem.

    I agree about the renaming of the Education Village, maybe 'Div Factory' would be more appropriate. In one of the schools I attended as a child we got regular warnings about local dangers such as tides, riverside mud and quicksand etc, did nobody say to him 'don't climb on fragile roofs'and if they did why didn't these teens listen?

  3. Bunny

    But Mr Fahrenheit surely it is obvious that a sodding fragile roof is dangerous and that a 15 year old should be capable of understanding that. Well probably not in this case but ah well.

  4. Poor old Kyle but, climbing on a roof is going to be hazardous to some extent - it just is. As for the hype and general wailing of 'something must be done', the last fatality was 23 years ago apparently. I can't see the long list of injured dolts broken down monthly/yearly for that period anywhere. AND! WTF is an 'Education Village'? A school perhaps? I'm surprised it isn't 'The Learning Village'. RIP Kyle, you took the risk, soared and............... shit happens.

  5. A village of idiots? Sounds like a good idea to me.

  6. Andy, we already have a village of idiots: it's called "The Palace of Westminster"...

  7. "Please construct more such challenges. There are an awful lot of fools out there who need to remove themselves from the gene pool by failing to exercise common sense."


    "As for the hype and general wailing of 'something must be done', the last fatality was 23 years ago apparently."

    Quite! The local main road has probably claimed more.

    "Andy, we already have a village of idiots: it's called "The Palace of Westminster".."

