Wednesday 1 April 2015

The Great Wall Of….Southwark?

Southwark Council enclosed four blocks on the Aylesbury Estate in south London with large hoardings of wood and metal on Friday.
Residents are furious that they are now only allowed to enter or leave their homes at a single exit, which is manned by private security officers.
You live on a gated estate, protected from the feral savages that roam other council estates, and you’re complaining..?!?
Aysen Dennis, 56, a housing campaigner who has lived on the estate for 22 years, said: "It makes it really difficult for people to get to their homes.
"We’ve already had tenants come to us to complain and we’re in the process of making a legal challenge.
"They are trying to stop the protesters basically, but other tenants are paying for it."
Ah. I see. Their self-appointed spokesman is complaining.

Well, he does seem to have made a career out of it, after all.
Cllr Mark Williams, cabinet member for regeneration, planning and transport, said: "The fence was installed as a direct response to the remaining few residents who expressed concerns about security on the site and anti-social behaviour from people who aren’t residents.
"Putting up the fence follows advice from the police, fire brigade and our officers who had similar experiences with other largely empty housing blocks."
And why would security be needed here, more so than any other council housing estate?
Last month, six people were arrested after police and firefighters were called in during an eviction of protesters, who were refusing to leave two occupied blocks.
The campaigners are still on the estate after they simply moved to another vacant block. Southwark has been forced to return to the courts to secure further possession orders.
*sigh* So much for that anti-squatter legislation and its myriad loopholes…


  1. Is it acceptable to suggest just detonating the blocks regardless of whether the squatters are in there or not?

    That way you'd demolish the buildings, the moaning would stop and you'd probably save a few quid at the benefits office as well?

  2. Am I allowed to utter the N word? Neutron bomb.

  3. It must be very inconvenient for the Waitrose delivery men.

  4. Trevor, perhaps he goes through the trade's man entrance, under the third barbed wire coil, on the left. By the way, Aldi never deliver. It is the only way they can keep their baked beans so cheap.

  5. I passed by this earlier tonight. Just missed the local rentamob putting through a window of a cop van and pulling down a section of the fence. Must be the safest place in Southwark today what with the fence and at least 20 cops and security guards guarding the hole.

  6. "Is it acceptable to suggest just detonating the blocks regardless of whether the squatters are in there or not?"


    "It must be very inconvenient for the Waitrose delivery men."


    "Just missed the local rentamob putting through a window of a cop van and pulling down a section of the fence. Must be the safest place in Southwark today what with the fence and at least 20 cops and security guards guarding the hole."

    Good grief!
