Saturday 23 May 2015

A Pretty Misleading Headline, ‘Indy’..?

Migrants who have permission to be in the UK are avoiding seeking vital medical treatment for fear of being arrested, a charity has warned.
Really? How many are we talking about?
Doctors of the World said the vast majority (83 per cent) of the patients it spoke to for its annual survey had no access to the NHS.
Hmmm, that’s…not quite the same thing, is it?

So…how many are we talking about? I’ll keep repeating it until I get an answer.
Although more than half (57.5 per cent) of the people attending its clinic in Bethnal Green, east London, were foreign nationals who did not have permission to reside in the UK, the charity said that on average patients had already been living in the country for six-and-a-half years, illustrating that they are not so-called health tourists travelling to the UK for the purpose of free medical treatment.
Oh. Right. Apples and oran… No, not even that. Apples and orang-utans…!

FFS! No permission to reside here, yet residing here (often for more than 6 years), and that somehow doesn’t make them ‘benefit tourists’, according to this idiot.

What would?
Leigh Daynes, executive director of Doctors of the World UK, said: “The failure to ensure equitable access to healthcare across Europe is this century’s hidden public health time bomb. Austerity, poverty and exclusion risk robbing an entire generation of healthy, productive lives across a continent that undervalues the benefits of universal healthcare. European states must recognise and address this.”
Oh, take the sex & travel option, doc! We’re through listening to you open borders types whinge for us to take in every sickly waif & stray in the Third World at the expense of our own citizens.


  1. The UK is being financially and culturally skinned alive - UKIP remains our only hope.

  2. "Doctors of the World UK"

    Wtf? I'm used to some hubristic BS in my colleagues, but this takes the biscuit. If they're so keen on other parts of the world and their inhabitants , why don't they f*** off to Mogadishu or Palmyra and open a clinic there?

    The enthusiasts for immigration should face a few consequences. How about every politician or quango head or CEO who publicly states their enthusiasm should have a large Somali, Yemeni or Eritrean housed next door to them with their kids placed in the same class as the relevant bien pensants' children. The drawbridge would come up before you could say Abu Hamza.

  3. Perhaps some energy should be extended to catching these illeagal immigrants and sending them back to the shit hole they originally hailed from.

  4. If this 'Doctors of the World' can find these illegals so easily, why cannot the authorities find them and deport them?

  5. @Dr Cromarty:

    Not housed next door, but rather billeted with them - then the world could see their sincerity...

  6. a continent that undervalues the benefits of universal healthcare. European states must recognise and address this.

    It's curious how they cannot see the distinction between healthcare that's universal to the CITIZENS of the country and universal to the people who happen to be RESIDENT. They former have paid for it and qualify because of that. The latter have not and do not. The latter use resources intended for the former. Unless someone discovers the magic money tree, then this cannot continue indefinitely and the system will fail. Ironically it's the people who oppose health tourism that support a realistic universal health system.

  7. "...UKIP remains our only hope."

    Oh dear.

    "If they're so keen on other parts of the world and their inhabitants , why don't they f*** off to Mogadishu or Palmyra and open a clinic there?"

    The golf courses aren't much cop, I hear... ;)

    "It's curious how they cannot see the distinction between healthcare that's universal to the CITIZENS of the country and universal to the people who happen to be RESIDENT. "

    Indeed so. Why, it's almost as if they are socialists first, and doctors second, isn't it?
