Thursday 21 May 2015

*Giggles Uncontrollably*

A man has been charged with stealing his own barrister's mobile phone during an appearance at Bexley Magistrates' Court.
Bobby Heath, 25, of Simnel Road, Lee, allegedly took the phone at the court on May 1.
Heath was appearing in court to plead guilty to charges of possession of cannabis and driving without insurance.
I wonder who’ll represent him? Someone with a 10 year old Nokia?


  1. So whatever happened to honour among thieves? Hold on, I'm beginning to smell a rat...a crafty 'klepto' defence.

  2. So for once a barrister got fleeced by his client? Oh the irony! ROFL

  3. Stop me if i've told you this story before....years ago I was giving evidence in court and the defence barrister was a real snake.His client was clearly guilty and all he could question me on was procedure to muddy the waters.He gave me a really hard time.
    When the jury retired he sauntered over and sat next to me and started to make small talk. He told me a story about how he had been burgled a few weeks before and he was asking general questions about the investigation.I sat there marvelling at his cheek and when he stopped talking I said "perhaps the burglar had a clever lawyer who continually got him off so he carried on burgling!" He pulled a sour face and went and sat somewhere else.They really have a thick skin and no sense of irony.

  4. "So whatever happened to honour among thieves?"

    A myth, clearly!

    "...and when he stopped talking I said "perhaps the burglar had a clever lawyer who continually got him off so he carried on burgling!""

